Husband, Ellie reminded herself. He was her husband, so of course he would know what she wanted. Derrick was good at looking out for her.

In a way, he had always been looking out for her.

Ellie managed a smile for herself. Being married wasn’t as bad as she was expecting. She had security for her family and a man who cared about her. The chemistry between them was strong, and Ellie didn’t think it was going to disappear anytime soon. She hoped it wouldn’t, anyway.

It had taken a while, but once the realisation that she was falling in love with Derrick settled, Ellie hadn’t felt scared. In fact, she had felt content. Like it was the natural thing to do. Even as she came to the conclusion the week before, when Derrick ripped her ruined dress off and lay in his arms in a very awkward position, it wasn’t as scary as Ellie thought it would be.

Although she wasn’t about to say it out loud. Certainly not to Derrick. They had gone into this marriage with the agreement that it would be merely to help each other out, and that they would maintain a friendship. While that had tipped into being lovers, nothing about loving each other emotionally had been brought up. Ellie had no idea what Derrick was going to say once she confessed her feelings.

She would have to tell him soon. But how? Ellie wasn’t sure how that would come about. And Derrick could end up reacting badly.

God, she had been able to think about anything except what to say to Derrick, and now that she had thought about it again, it was all that was in her head.

Finding Regina was more important than thinking of what to say to Derrick. If she ever said anything to him about it. Ellie would have to at some point. Especially before it got too much.

It was quieter as Ellie moved through the house, trying to find her sister. Regina liked a good party, so she wouldn’t stay away for long. And she wouldn’t want to stay away from Randall for too long, not with the way things were going between them. While Regina wasn’t about to admit it, there was something there regarding Randall Copelton. Derrick had commented on it before, and Ellie could see his point.

She reached the end of the hallway, which turned to the right as soon as it got to the window. Ellie was about to go around the corner when she heard Regina’s voice.

“You’re a heartless harlot, do you know that?”

What? Ellie slowed. What was going on? Then she heard a familiar voice.

“You can call me whatever you want, but I don’t expect someone like you to understand my actions. It’s none of your business.”

What was Regina doing talking to Catherine Saxton? Ellie picked up her pace and went around the corner, only to find Regina and Lady Catherine practically squaring up to each other.

Regina jumped away from Lady Catherine when she saw Ellie. Lady Catherine didn’t move, or even flinch. She just watched Ellie with a lazy smile that said she was up to something.

Ignoring the other woman for now, Ellie focused on Regina.

“Regina, what are you doing? Mr Copelton is looking for you.”

“Oh.” Regina’s tone was stiff. “Is that so?”

“What’s going on? Why are you talking to Lady Saxton?”

“Because she’s been making comments about you to other people!” Regina pointed at Lady Catherine. “She’s trying to say disparaging things about you. I overheard her when I went into the dining room for a drink. And it looked like people were actually listening to her.”

Ellie looked at Lady Catherine, who simply shrugged.

“Well, you are a convenient bride. It’s true, isn’t it?”

“You weren’t saying that Ellie was convenient!” Regina snapped. She started towards Lady Catherine, but Ellie pulled her back.

“Don’t, Regina.”

“But she’s so disrespectful towards you!” Regina tried to pull her arm away. “She just told me that she’s having an affair with your husband. That he’s planning on making her the true wife in his heart instead of you.”

Ellie felt cold hearing that. It was like someone had thrown water on her. Lady Catherine didn’t respond to Regina’s accusation, but the smirk on her face said it all. Ellie wanted to slap her, herself.

Instead, she turned Regina around and pushed her down the hall.

“Go back to the ballroom and find Mr Copelton.”

“What about you? You’re not staying here with her, are you?”

“Lady Saxton and I are going to have a conversation. It’s best that you don’t listen to it.”