“You mean, you aren’t on his side for anything because you only think about yourself.”

Catherine winced. “Ouch. You know how to hurt me.”

“And you know how to be a horrible woman while putting a smile on your face. Now, if you’ll excuse me?” Derrick stepped away when he saw a movement coming down the hall. “I have to escort my wife home. It’s getting late anyway.”

Catherine looked like she was going to argue with him, but Derrick was already walking away. Ellie, Lady Northampton, and Regina were walking towards him, Ellie wrapping her shawl around her shoulders. From the way the shawl fell, it was mostly hiding the stain on her dress. Even though it looked to have been treated, the dress was ruined.

“Are you ready, my dear?” Derrick asked Ellie.

Ellie took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, lifting her chin as she fixed him with a cool gaze. “I am. I would like to return as soon as possible.”

Even with the annoyance on her face, there was a composure about her that Derrick had to admire. She was pretty good at gathering herself together in spite of things.

He held out her arm, which Ellie took. Lady Northampton gave him a nod.

“You two go on home. I’ll make sure Ladies Regina and Dorothea get home.”

“Are you sure, Mother?”

“I’m sure.” Lady Northampton glared at Catherine. “It will give me a distraction from what I really want to do.”

Derrick didn’t need to ask. He gently urged Ellie to move, heading towards the door. As they passed Catherine, Derrick gave her a glare.

“Tell your husband to expect a bill for the price of the dress. And if he asks why, I hope you will tell him the truth of what happened.”

“What?” Catherine’s mouth dropped open. “Are you going to put this on me?”

“You ruined the dress. You should pay for it. It’s only proper.” Giving Catherine a sickly sweet smile, Derrick turned to Ellie. “Shall we, my lady?”

They left the house and straight into their carriage. Ellie sagged onto the seat across from him with a heavy sigh.

“I thought this evening couldn’t get any worse,” she grumbled.

“You were doing fine.” Derrick kept himself upright as the carriage set off. “You certainly looked like you belonged there during dinner.”

“Trust me, I was wanting to leave. I don’t mind small groups, but that group was a bit too much. And for Lady Catherine to do that in front of the other ladies…” Ellie shook her head. “I don’t think I did well enough for others to endear themselves to me.”

Derrick sat forward and took her hands. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. I believe that you did plenty. I had a couple of comments from my friends that they thought you and your sisters were very charming. One of them is very taken with Dorothea.”

Ellie’s mouth twitched. “If it’s Lord Braxton saying that, I think she’s quite taken with him as well. They talked for a long time during dinner. I thought they had forgotten everyone else.”

“They certainly did. Your sisters were fine, and you coped very well with everything. What Catherine did was pathetic, and you shouldn’t let that get to you.”

“Even if I didn’t let it get to me, the port certainly did.” Ellie drew the shawl aside and showed him the stain, faded but still visible. “What am I supposed to do with this? Even if we got it scrubbed, I’m sure the stain is going to ruin the gown.”

Derrick hadn’t planned on doing anything except assure her that they would find a way to rescue it, but the drink and the attempt to clean up had resulted in the dress clinging to her body. It was hugging her breasts to the point that Derrick could see her nipples showing through the cloth, and the dress clung to her curves like a second skin. Arousal hit him hard, and his hands itched to get that dress off her.

“Derrick?” Ellie was starting to look nervous. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Derrick didn’t respond. He just leaned forward and grabbed hold of the front of her dress before Ellie could react. He ripped it from bodice to hem, the tearing sounds very loud inside the carriage. Ellie cried out, but she didn’t pull away until the dress was completely torn down the middle. She grabbed at the edges and attempted to pull them back together.

“What are you doing?”

“Now the dress is ruined,” Derrick growled. He grabbed her arms and yanked her forward. “Come here.”

Ellie squeaked and fell across his lap, straddling him as her crotch pressed against his cock. Derrick grasped her backside as he kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Ellie’s hands tightened on his shoulders, and then she was clinging to him, rocking on his lap as she wrapped around him.

Derrick moved his mouth to her neck, sliding his hand under her drawers to clasp her bare skin. God, she was so warm.