Ellie was about to suggest that they did it themselves—she did know how to get stains out—but then Regina came hurrying in with a buxom woman Ellie recognised as the housekeeper. The matronly woman tittered when she saw Ellie’s dress.

“Oh, dear! Did you pour the entire bottle down you?”

“No need for that,” Lady Northampton said briskly. “Can you fix it enough that she’s presentable?”

“Let’s see what we can do.” The housekeeper went over to the large sink at the far end of the room, grabbing a cloth on the way. “I don’t think we’ll be able to get the stain out entirely, but it will be enough.”

Ellie hoped so. She didn’t want to look like a fool. Well, no more than she already was.


Derrick stood in the foyer, trying not to get angry at hearing how Catherine spilled her drink all over Ellie. Catherine could claim that she hadn’t intended it to happen, but Derrick knew better. She had done this plenty of times in the past when she didn’t like someone. And from what he was hearing, she was still doing it.

It was ridiculous. Catherine was a grown woman, and she was behaving like a little girl pulling another child’s hair. Derrick had told her before that she needed to stop because it was pathetic, but she wouldn’t.

Not for the first time, Derrick wondered how he had been in love with Catherine when she was like this.

Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long before Ellie came out, and then they could leave. They had been here for long enough, and his friend understood. Sort of; he did wink at Derrick as he said to look after his wife.

Derrick didn’t need to guess the implication.


Derrick turned. Catherine was walking towards him, looking bewildered. He held up his hands before she got to him.

“Don’t come any closer.”

“But I thought we were friends.”

“Does that give you the right to come close enough to touch me when my wife is around?” Derrick shot back. “Also, the correct way to address me is ‘my lord.’ My Christian name is not appropriate for this situation.”

Catherine’s mouth opened and closed. “Why are you behaving like this?” Then she seemed to realise that he was wearing his outdoor coat, and his hat was in his hand. “Are you leaving?”

“Of course I am. My wife was assaulted with a drink, so I’m going to take her home.”

“Assaulted? She just spilled her drink down herself. We all saw it.”

“Then why am I being told that you collided with her and spilled your drink as well as hers down her gown?”

Catherine shrugged. “She still spilled her drink down herself. It was her fault that she got in my way.”

“Cut it out, Catherine. I know you, and you’ve done this before. Plenty of times.” Derrick shook his head. “Are you honestly going to start this again? You’re a married woman. This was childish enough when we were younger, but now?”

“You didn’t have a problem with it before.” Catherine arched an eyebrow. “If anything, you were laughing along with it then.”

“When I was eighteen. I was young and stupid. It took me a while to realise that what you were doing was harmful, and it wasn’t amusing at all.”

“If you didn’t like it, why did we become lovers?”

Derrick looked around, relieved to see that nobody was there. He didn’t want to explain that to anyone. Even so, he lowered his voice.

“What we had a while ago was brief, and it’s gone now. It’s not coming back, and I’m not about to entertain it again.” Derrick lowered his voice more to a growl. “Especially if you’re going to target my wife.”

Catherine blinked. She looked surprised that Derrick was actually standing up for his wife. Did she think he wouldn’t?

She recovered quickly enough.

“Just because she’s your wife doesn’t mean you have to be on her side all the time. You don’t have to show a united front.” She cast him a sly smile. “I mean, my husband and I aren’t a united front beyond public appearances.”