“Well, we’ve done it before, haven’t we?”

“When we were younger and had fewer obligations, maybe. But I’m married now, and I’m sure my wife would be unimpressed to have you arrive.”

Catherine sighed. “I suppose that is a problem. After all, I don’t want to upset your wife…”

Her voice trailed off, and Derrick was very sure that Catherine had been planning exactly that. It was like she wanted to see Ellie while dropping snide remarks. Catherine was good at that.

How had he found someone like her attractive, with the way she behaved? Derrick wasn’t sure how he had been fooled. Being around Catherine now made him uncomfortable.

“If you want to visit me at my estate, you’re going to have to wait for an invitation.” Derrick tried not to sound curt as he addressed her, adjusting his gloves. “Although I think it would be best, given our past, that you don’t do that. I don’t want things to be complicated for my wife.”

Catherine smirked. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to be shown up by me. After all, any woman would be intimidated.”

“We’re out in public, Lady Saxton. You should not be speaking like that about our past acquaintance.”

“Forgive me, my lord.” Catherine bowed her head. “I forgot myself for a moment.”

Derrick doubted that, especially with the sly look on her face. While the street wasn’t very busy, it wouldn’t take much for her to say any of this loudly. Although why she would do that, Derrick wasn’t sure.

All he was sure about was that he wanted to leave and get away from her.

Clearing his throat, he gave her a small bow before turning away. “If you’ll excuse me, Lady Saxton? I have to head home. I’ve still got appointments to deal with.”

“Of course. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you soon.”

Catherine sounded smug when she spoke, and Derrick didn’t need to look at her to see the smile on her face. He disappeared into the carriage and shut the door, forcing himself not to look out at her as his driver got the horses moving and they pulled into the street. It was only then that Derrick heaved a sigh of relief.

That had been the most uncomfortable interaction with anyone he had ever experienced. It was surreal that just a short while ago, Derrick had been in love with her and dealing with a broken heart because Catherine had married someone else without warning or explanation. Given the age gap between the two and how rich her husband was, Derrick could see why Catherine had done it, but he’d expected her to tell him about it.

She was only out for herself, nobody else. Derrick had been slow to see it. And from the way she had been looking at him and making subtle barbed remarks at Ellie, she didn’t care that he was married. Did she think it was some kind of game for her?

They wouldn’t be able to avoid Catherine entirely. But they could certainly try. And hopefully, Catherine and Ellie wouldn’t end up in the same room.

Chapter 18


Ellie looked around when someone touched her hand. Dorothea was sitting beside her, watching her with a frown. Ellie managed a smile at her sister.

“I’m fine, Dorothea.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m just tired. It’s been a long day already.” Ellie gestured at her glass of port. “I’ll manage for now.”

Dorothea’s expression said she wasn’t convinced. And Ellie couldn’t blame her, seeing as she had been feeling uncomfortable all evening. Especially with Catherine Saxton sitting across from them, laughing at something the hostess was saying. Her bright smile was beguiling, and she was giving the older woman her full attention.

It was, however, a little creepy. Ellie had caught Lady Catherine glancing at her quite a few times, looking her over like she was a hunk of beef hanging up in the meat market. Derrick had kept by Ellie’s side throughout the evening, but now that dinner was over and the gentlemen had been drawn into another room, Ellie was left with the woman.

What was wrong with her? Lady Catherine seemed annoyed that Derrick was married, and she was showing her displeasure. But she was married herself, so how did it work that she was upset that a man she couldn’t have anyway now had a wife of his own? Ellie just couldn’t understand it.

Derrick had said nothing further was happening between them, and Ellie believed him. But it wasn’t easy to be herself when her husband’s former lover was treating her as less than a fellow guest.

“If you want to go to another room, or just move seats,” Dorothea went on, “we can do that. Then you can relax a little.”

Ellie frowned. “Who said I wasn’t relaxed?”

“There’s a lot of tension in your shoulders, and I think your jaw is clenched. You’re not relaxed.”