Unfortunately, it did mean that he had to leave Ellie for a while. She was back at their estate in Northampton while Derrick was going around the county, and to Bath on one occasion, to see that things were going along as they should have done.

He did contemplate bringing her with him, but Ellie would have ended up bored and on her own. It was best she stayed on the estate with her sisters. Lady Northampton could keep an eye on them from a distance; she had promised so.

Not that he thought Ellie would do anything daft. Derrick just wanted to be sure she was alright.

He was feeling a little lonely without her. Being away, even for only a couple of days, was tougher than Derrick expected. He had thought things would be fine, but he kept missing Ellie. He really had to concentrate at work to understand what was going on because all Derrick could think about was Ellie.

Who knew that a woman could get under his skin like this? He had thought it had happened before, but this time, it was palpable. Ellie wasn’t even trying, and she was just there. Warm, strong and dependable. Derrick was lonely without her, but knowing she would be home when he came back made him feel better.

He never thought married life could be like this, even after a month.

And it wouldn’t be long until he returned. Then Derrick would make a point of having a moment alone with his wife. Preferably in bed, and more than a moment.

He was still smiling as he left the bank. After going to Stratford-upon-Avon to visit one of the merchant businesses he had personally set up, Derrick had decided to check in on his banker in Northampton before heading home. Once things were sorted, he would be right back with Ellie.

What would she be up to? She had mentioned that she had taken up a few hobbies, and Derrick wondered what she had started doing. There had been a conversation about making things herself or taking up something she had enjoyed as a little girl. It would be interesting to see what she had been doing in the meantime.

After he had been greeted, that is. Derrick had a good idea of how he wanted to be greeted once he came through the door.

This is a marriage of convenience, remember? You don’t need to obligate her to anything.

But I can’t help it.

Derrick’s carriage was outside the bank, ready to go. It wouldn’t be long until they headed back to the estate. It was just a short drive. Derrick hoped that they would hurry; he had been travelling all day and he was exhausted.

He was just getting into the carriage when he heard his name being called.

“Derrick? Is that you?”

Derrick froze, and his heart sank. Of all the times to bump into her again, why did it have to be now? Knowing that he couldn’t really ignore her, Derrick put a bland smile on his face and turned to Catherine, who was approaching him with a petite, timid-looking woman wearing pale grey following her.

Catherine looked as graceful and lovely as ever, but there was a gleam in her eyes that Derrick didn’t like. Sharp-minded and intelligent as she was, she was also rather scheming. Derrick didn’t doubt that she was up to something.

“Lady Saxton.” He touched his fingers to his hat. “Good afternoon. I didn’t know you were in Northampton. Your husband’s estate is in Reading, isn’t it?”

“Oh, I thought I’d do some shopping in Northampton.”

Derrick couldn’t help but snort. “In this town? If you’re going to come up with a story, you can do better than that.”

Catherine tittered. “Gentlemen have no idea about shops and what is a good place or not.”

“It’s not something that’s interesting to me, if that’s what you mean.” Derrick looked her up and down. “So why are you really here?”

“You think I could tell you a lie?”

“Just tell me.”

Catherine pursed her lips as if contemplating whether to tell him the truth. Then she sighed.

“Alright, you’ve caught me. I was actually going to come up to your estate to see you.”

Derrick stared. “You were going to come and see me? Why?”

“Why wouldn’t I come and see a friend? We haven’t been in contact for a while, and I wanted to see how you were. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

Derrick was sure there was a lot wrong with it. Even with the speed with which he and Ellie had gotten married, surely everyone in thetonwould know by now that he was a married man. Catherine wouldn’t have missed that, not when she was sharp for anything like gossip.

He peered at her. “You expected to waltz into my house without warning or invitation?”