“However,” the dowager countess’s voice hardened a little, “you were present in the company of your sisters. People you’re comfortable with. You will need to show that you can carry on the same attitude around other people. Total strangers, or mere acquaintances. Then you’ll be showing what you’re properly worth.”

Ellie still didn’t know what to say. All of the courage she had gathered to impress her mother-in-law was suddenly gone.

“I… well, I’m sure that I can manage it, my lady. I’m very competent.”

“I hope that’s the case.”

Ellie glanced towards the door, hoping Derrick would come back soon. She wasn’t sure where this was going, but she was very uncomfortable.

“There’s also something else I want to discuss with you, Eleanora.” Lady Northampton’s eyes met Ellie’s, blinking and clear. “I saw how he behaved around you this evening, the twinkle in his eye when he looked at you. He’s very taken with you.”

“I… my lady…”

“I’m sure you’re aware of it. While I’m not approving of the marriage—yet—I can see that you could make my son happy. That’s what I want for my only child, to be married to someone who he likes and respects, and who respects him in return.”

“Oh, I do respect him,” Ellie said emphatically. “He’s been so kind to me, and I do like him.”

“The way you two are when you’re talking to each other, it’s very clear to see. However, there is always a chance that this could change, and my son could end up getting hurt.”

“I wouldn’t be able to hurt him, my lady. I’m not capable of hurting anyone.”

Lady Northampton sniffed. “Let’s hope that’s the case. Derrick is my child, and even though he is a grown man, I am protective of him. I wanted him to marry, although getting married to a woman of your… status… was not what I had in mind. However, he seems happy, and I want to keep it that way. If you hurt my son, you will have to deal with me.”

Ellie was at a loss for words. What was going on? She cleared her throat.

“I promise, Lady Northampton, that what you’re worried about is not going to happen.”

“Please make sure that’s the case,” the dowager countess went on. “I want to like you, Eleanora, I really do. But if you don’t treat my son as he deserves, you’ll be hard-pushed to have me on your side when you need support.”

That sounded like a threat, but the tone made it sound like they were discussing the weather and fashion tips. Ellie didn’t know what to say to that.

“There you are!”

Ellie almost squeaked in relief when Derrick came into the room. He looked relieved as he crossed to her.

“I thought you’d retired or gone with your sisters.” He tugged Ellie to her feet and kissed her temple. “Then I heard voices and realised you were still up.”

“Your mother and I were having a… talk.” Ellie wasn’t sure how to describe it. She managed a smile. “I was thinking of retiring soon, though.”

Derrick watched his mother with a frown. “What were you discussing, Mother?”

“Just things that only ladies discuss, son.” Lady Northampton stood up in one fluid movement. “I think I will retire myself. It’s getting late.”

“Your carriage should be ready by now.” Derrick held out a hand to his mother. “I’ll escort you out.”

“Thank you.” Lady Northampton gave Ellie a simple nod. “Goodnight, Lady Northampton.”

“Goodnight, my lady.”

Once Derrick and his mother left the room, Ellie sagged onto the cushions as her knees shook. Goodness, what an evening! She knew she and her sisters needed to be on their best behaviour for her mother-in-law, and she hadn’t been able to relax all evening. They had to be on their toes all the time. Regina, certainly, seemed to be struggling to be less like herself. She was going to be exhausted after all that.

If they could get Lady Northampton to approve of Ellie—and that included her sisters—then maybe they could soften her a little. Maybe Dorothea could be her sweet self to butter her up, although Ellie wasn’t sure about leaving her youngest sister to the formidable woman.

Hopefully, Derrick would know what to do. Then again, it was his mother. Maybe not.

“Are you alright?”

Ellie jumped. Derrick was back in the room, crossing to her with a curious look on his face. Ellie frowned.