“Mother!” Derrick gasped, but Ellie laughed.

“Don’t worry. Regina knows she has a rather brash laugh. I’ll welcome them in.” She headed towards the door. “I’m sure they’ll want a tour of the house. Will dinner be on time, Derrick?”

“More than likely. Maurice doesn’t like being late.”

Derrick watched his wife’s hips sway as she left the room. Then he realised that his mother was watching him with a knowing look. He groaned.

“Don’t, Mother.”

“What? I didn’t say a word.”

“You didn’t need to.”

“Well, if I didn’t think you were smitten before, I do now.” There was a twinkle in her eye. “Maybe this marriage will work out for you.”

Derrick wasn’t sure whether to be relieved that his mother was softening up or embarrassed that she had caught him staring at his wife.

This evening was going to be a little longer than he anticipated.


“Thank you for the tour, Ellie,” Regina said as she followed her sister back into the foyer. “And dinner as well. The cook is marvellous!”

Ellie grinned. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m sure I’m going to be putting on weight, at this rate, given how delicious the food is.”

“Speaking of which, are we having a cook as well at the cottage? I forgot to ask.”

“Maurice’s second-in-command, Andre, is going to be your personal cook, and Larissa and Sarah will be your maids, while Lewis will be your footman.” Ellie looked over and saw Regina’s eyes getting rounder and rounder. “Were you expecting more or less?”

“I… well…” Regina shook her head. “I just wasn’t expecting that many servants for us. After all, it’s just us two.”

“Well, Derrick wants to make sure you’re properly looked after. He said it didn’t matter how many you had, our house would cope with fewer servants.” Ellie laughed at her sister’s stunned expression. “Don’t look so shocked. He’s looking out for you as well.”

“I guess,” Regina said faintly.

Dorothea giggled as she came up on the other side of Ellie.

“You would think Regina was the one who fell in the pond. Her mind has frozen.”

Regina huffed, which just made Dorothea laugh even more. Ellie was glad the two of them were more relaxed than they had been when they arrived. Seeing Lady Northampton had certainly dampened their mood for a while.

They had behaved during dinner, being polite and talking to the dowager countess as they should, which was a relief. Ellie excepted something unpleasant to happen—Regina could get a little outrageous if she was a bit too tense—but things went by really nicely. She couldn’t be prouder of her sisters.

Now she was tired, but it was a happy tired. And, Ellie had to admit to herself, she was glad that she could have time away from her sisters. Much as she loved them dearly, it was nice to have a bit of space, too.

As Derrick had reminded her quite a few times, they weren’t going to be on their own, but letting them have their own space would help everyone. And she could visit any time she wanted.

Ellie led her sisters to the door and waited as Matthews helped them into their coats. Regina hugged her first.

“I’m so glad things have worked out for you, Ellie. You deserve it after looking after us for so long.”

“You make it sound like I was permanently miserable.”

“Well, you were like a mother to us at times. Now you have a husband.” Regina stepped back. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to yourself now. And not necessarily on your own.”


Regina laughed. Dorothea shook her head and hugged her eldest sister.