“I see.” His mother looked bemused. “I didn’t think you were the type to make such impulsive decisions. Then you decided to get married to someone who wasn't of the same social standing.”

“Are you going to start with that again, Mother?”

“No, not tonight. But if it comes up—”

“Only you would bring it up.” Derrick sighed. “Look, I don’t want to go through that again. While I trust the household staff to look after the house and Ellie’s sisters, could you keep an eye on the house until we get back? I’d feel better knowing you were around.”

“Of course. I was doing that for years, so a couple more weeks won’t hurt.” Lady Northampton patted his cheek. “You don’t have to worry about anything from me in that regard.”

“I’m glad about that.” Derrick glanced towards the door. “I know you’re still not keen about Ellie being your daughter-in-law, but she is a good person. She’s much like you when it comes to being practical and level-headed.”

“Is she now?”

“If you’d gotten the time to talk to her before, you would have noticed. I don’t want my mother and my wife to have tension between them.” Derrick squeezed his mother’s hands. “Please, just be nice. Allow yourself a chance to know Ellie properly. She is very sweet and dependable. I think you two would get along.”

Lady Northampton looked sceptical about it, but she sighed and nodded.

“Alright, I’ll do what I can. I can’t promise anything, though.”

“Just so long as you try. That’s all I’m asking.”

A movement behind him had Derrick turning. Ellie was coming into the room, wearing a splendid gown in dark blue, her hair swept away from her face and done up in a chignon at the base of her neck. Not for the first time, Derrick couldn’t help but stare at his wife. She really drew the eye when she wanted to. He would be the envy of his friends; he was sure of it.

That is, if he wanted his friends looking at her the way he did. Derrick was suddenly feeling overprotective of his wife. Where had that come from?

Ellie faltered for a moment when she saw Lady Northampton. Then she squared her shoulders, recovering beautifully, and walked across the room towards the dowager countess.

“Lady Northampton.” She gave her a curtsy. “Good evening. I’m glad you could come.”

“Lady Northampton.” The older woman nodded, and then arched an eyebrow. “It’s going to be a little confusing around here, calling both of us Northampton.”

“I don’t mind being Lady Eleanora, ma’am. The Northampton part is still something I need to get used to.” Ellie glanced at Derrick. “While we’re in private, I would prefer to go by Lady Eleanora. The Lady Northampton title should stay with the woman who had it first.”

Derrick was surprised by this. His mother looked equally bewildered. Then she recovered and nodded at Ellie.

“Fair enough. Lady Eleanora.”

Some of the tension seemed to come out of her shoulders, and Derrick watched as Ellie relaxed a little. He placed a hand on her back.

“Have your sisters arrived yet?”

“I don’t believe so. I think we would have heard them if they were already here.” Ellie bit her lip and glanced at Lady Northampton. “That’s not to say they’re always loud, though.”

“I think I know what you meant,” Lady Northampton said blandly. “They behaved better than I expected at the engagement party.”

“You were expecting them to be obnoxious?” Derrick asked.

“I don’t know, but they surpassed my expectations.” The dowager countess’s mouth twitched. “Your great-aunt, on the other hand… let’s just say she hasn’t changed. I was quite surprised that you three are related to her.”

Ellie groaned. “Oh, no. I do hope she didn’t say anything to you that would be embarrassing for me.”

“She was a bit… forthright, but I could tell she was trying to make sure you and your sisters were properly looked after. I know it doesn’t appear that way, and she’s very set in her ways, which makes her rather… different, but she does care about you in her own way.”

“She’s got a strange way of showing it,” Ellie muttered.

Derrick moved his hand higher up her back, his fingers touching the warm skin just below her neck. He felt her shiver a little before relaxing again.

“Love does work in strange ways, my dear. I’ve learned that over the years.” Lady Northampton moved towards the window at the sound of laughter. “I believe that will be your sisters arriving now. Unless we have some banshees who come out during the day.”