“It shouldn’t take long for that.” Derrick stood up and put the poker back in the stand. “Will you and your sister be alright now, Regina? We’ll send over servants for you once we’ve allocated them later today.”

“We’ll be fine. Dorothea and I can take care of ourselves for a little while.” Regina smiled at him. “Thank you, North.”

Derrick gave her a smile in return and then held out his hand to Ellie.

“Shall we? If you don’t mind me being covered in soot?”

“I’m sure I can manage.” Ellie took his hand and waved at Regina. “We’ll see you later? Dinner will be at seven-thirty.”

“We’ll be there for seven.” Regina was still fanning herself, her cheeks a little flushed. “Provided we haven’t melted by then.”

Derrick was still laughing as they left the cottage, stepping out into the cooler air.

“She does realise that she can move to another room, doesn’t she? She doesn’t have to be in there with Dorothea.”

“Regina will want to make sure Dorothea’s alright. She is rather protective of our little sister.” Ellie shrugged. “There’s only so much I can do with those two. They’re strong-willed when they want to be.”

“I’ve noticed that.” Derrick held the gate open for them, stepping out into the now-empty lane. “You three do tend to look out for each other, don’t you?”

“When it’s just the three of us for the most part, we have to be.” Ellie sighed. “Regina and Dorothea do tell me that I should relax and do something for myself, and that they can look after each other without any problems.”

“She’s right. You should do something for yourself.”

“I’ve gotten married, haven’t I?”

“And you’re still worrying about your sisters. They will be fine. I’m sure they won’t burn the cottage down.”

Ellie shuddered with a groan. “Please don’t say that. You’re really scaring me now.”

“I apologise.” Derrick put his arm around her shoulders as they started walking. “Look, I’m here now. And I’m willing to look after them, as well. They’re sweet girls, and they’re more independent than you think. I’m sure they’ll be able to keep out of trouble without you having to dress up to watch over them.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Of course. Have a bit of faith in them, Ellie.” Derrick kissed her head. “You should take a deep breath and relax. And have a bit of fun for yourself.”

Ellie knew that she should, but it was going to be easier said than done. She leaned into her husband, liking the feel of his arm around her.

“I’m going to need someone to help me relax. There’s still a lot on my mind, after all.”

“Are they things that can be talked out with another person?”


“Then let’s try.” Derrick tilted her jaw, tilting her head up to him. “Whatever you want.”

His kiss was sweet, and it almost caused Ellie to trip over her own feet. Derrick caught her before she ended up on the ground, laughing as he righted her.

“We’re going to have to do something about you and falling over.”

Ellie pouted. “Well, don’t kiss me when we’re walking, then.”

“Oh, so you would prefer that we stopped and did it?” Derrick stopped and turned her to him, putting his arms around her. “I can do that.”

This time, the kiss had more promise. Ellie felt Derrick’s hands sliding down her back, gasping as he grasped her backside and almost lifted her up onto her toes. His erection pressed into her belly, and Ellie had to stop herself from wriggling against him. She giggled as she broke the kiss.

“You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you want another re-enactment of what we did last night.”

Derrick groaned. “Don’t. We’ve got a lot to do when we get back to the house today. I don’t think we’re going to get anything done if we sneak back to our bedchamber.”