Later on, after bidding Madeline and Matthew goodnight, Ellie went to her bedchamber and got ready for bed. Her mind had been turning ever since the change in plans, and she was still at a loss with what to do. Regina and Dorothea had looked rather subdued after Lady Mansford had retired for the night.

Both of them wanted to go to the ball, and they had been excited. Ellie wanted to make them happy, but they couldn’t go without a chaperone. Emma wouldn’t allow them to go without someone to keep an eye on them.

And Ellie knew her sisters: they would sneak out as soon as it was possible and go on their own. That was not only bad etiquette, but they could get into trouble. Regina hadn’t been to a ball in London since she was Dorothea’s age, and Dorothea herself was too innocent and naive. Anything could happen. Short of locking them in their rooms, there wasn’t much Ellie could do once their minds were made up.


There was a gentle tap at the door as Ellie was putting on her nightgown. She tugged it into place, pulling her hair from the confines of the cotton cloth.

“Come in.”

The door opened, and Regina and Dorothea entered. They both had their hair down and were wearing their nightgowns. And both were wearing similar glum expressions.

Ellie sighed. “You’re still upset about the change in plans, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know why Emma didn’t just tell that woman no and carry on with what she was planning,” Regina complained, slumping onto Ellie’s bed. “Why did she have to agree to it?”

“According to her, it’s easier to go along with the old lady than go against her. Apparently, Aunt Diane can make things very difficult for them.”

“Was she like this when you were little?”

“From the little I do recall, she’s always been cantankerous. But I think Father protected me from the worst.”

“I hope our mothers-in-law don’t end up being like her,” Dorothea said quietly. “She’s just so rude. I thought we weren’t allowed to be that rude.”

“Looks like there’s an end date to it, and then you can say and do whatever you want,” Regina grunted. “That’s the only thing I’m looking forward to once I get old: I can do and say whatever I want and nobody is going to tell me otherwise.”

Ellie couldn’t help but smile. “You’ll be doing that before the end date, Regina. Age has nothing to do with it.”

“At least I would get away with it past the age of sixty.”

She had a point. Ellie moved to sit beside her sister.

“I suppose we’ll have to think of something to do tomorrow night instead,” she said.

“We have something to do tomorrow,” Regina declared, looking at Dorothea. “We’re going to the ball at Lord Yaxley’s house.”

Ellie stared. “You what?” She looked at Dorothea. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” Dorothea nodded. “We want to go, and we’re not going to let this little thing stop us.”

“You do realise that you can’t go somewhere without a chaperone, Dorothea. The moment people find out that you’re there on your own, you’re going to end up being scolded and sent home. That will be the end of your entry into Society; thetondon’t forgetfaux paslike that.”

Dorothea looked like she was wavering. Regina huffed.

“Stop putting a damper on things, Ellie. We have invitations to this place, and we aren’t going to squander them. What are people going to think if we don’t turn up to a ball we were invited to?”

“They’re going to think worse of you if you go without a chaperone,” Ellie pointed out.

“We could ask Matthew to escort us,” Dorothea suggested. “He said some of his friends would be there.”

“He’s not going to leave Madeline’s side unless he has no choice, and this isn’t a good enough reason to be away from his pregnant wife.” Regina frowned. “I’m sure Madeline wouldn’t mind, but I don’t want to leave her alone if Aunt Emma is going to be out as well.”

Ellie hesitated.Should she tell them what she was thinking? It would end up being silly, but…

“Well, there is a way, if you’re so insistent about it,” she said slowly.

“What?” Regina shifted to face her. “Tell us. What are you planning?”