“That’s not fair!”

“I know, but that’s life for you.” Giving her another quick kiss, Derrick eased off her and slid to sit on the edge of the bed. “I’ll let Mrs Matthews know that you’re awake and will need help getting ready. I’m sure you haven’t unpacked anything yet.”

“Mrs Matthews is going to help me dress?”

“I haven’t chosen a maid for you yet, so she offered to help until I’ve gotten that sorted.”

Ellie didn’t know what to think about that. She had met the housekeeper the day before when she was putting away some of her belongings, and she seemed like a warm, friendly woman. But she was, in essence, a stranger, and Ellie wasn’t sure she was comfortable with that.

For goodness’ sake, all of your maids start out as strangers. What’s so different about this time?

It’s the day after my wedding. She’ll know exactly what we’ve been up to if she isn’t deaf. How could I look her in the eye?

Derrick had reached for his breeches and was tugging them on. Ellie watched him, noting the muscles moving in his back. He did look like he could easily pose for one of those Greek statue carvings. It had to be a crime to look like that.

Then an image of Catherine Saxton entered her mind. She had probably seen Derrick in this way as well, touched him everywhere, kissed him all over.

Just like Ellie had.

She felt a twist of jealousy in her stomach. It wasn’t nice. She had seen the way Lady Catherine kept looking at Derrick during their engagement party a week ago. With how things were moved along due to Derrick getting a special licence to marry her, Ellie had forgotten to ask about the woman and why she kept staring at Derrick like she wanted to devour him.

It had made Ellie feel very uncomfortable; the woman was gorgeous, and she could easily turn Derrick’s head, even if she was married. Although he had seemed angry at having her around, and he had pointedly ignored Lady Catherine.

Ellie was surprised at how relieved she’d felt not to see her at the wedding breakfast or at the reception after the wedding. She wouldn’t be able to relax properly if she had been there, and Ellie was already on edge around Lady Northampton.

Something was either going on between them or it was a history that was still there. Either way, Ellie needed to know.

“What’s going on between you and Catherine Saxton?”

Derrick stopped dressing, looking around at her in confusion.

“What? Where did that come from?”

“I noticed how you two were at the engagement party.”

“We didn’t interact.”

“But I saw how you reacted to her presence, and how she seemed to be flirting with you.” Ellie sat up and drew the sheet up to her chest to hide her nakedness. “Did something happen between you two? Is it something I should worry about?”

“Of course not. Why would you say that?”

“I meant to ask before, but things have been rather hectic. And please don’t answer my question with another question, Derrick. It’s annoying.”

Derrick sighed and stood up, sliding his breeches up over his hips and buttoning them up. He didn’t answer until the last button was done up.

“Catherine and I had an affair. It was quite a while ago, though.”

“Oh.” Ellie felt like she had suddenly deflated. “I see.”

“She means nothing to me now, Ellie. Especially seeing as she’s been married for a while, and I’ve got you.” Derrick shook his head. “It’s over. I wouldn’t even consider her an acquaintance now.”

“And yet she was at the engagement party.”

“I talked to Mother about that and requested that she didn’t come to anything regarding the wedding anymore. Mother wasn’t sure why, but she agreed.”

“She doesn’t know you had a dalliance with Lady Catherine?”

“She doesn’t, but she saw how upset I was, so she said she would make sure Catherine wasn’t invited.” Derrick crawled onto the bed and sat on his knees by Ellie. “Ellie, believe me when I say that there’s nothing between us anymore. I admit that I did love her once, but that’s gone. In the past. Finished.”