“I’ll let him know.”

Derrick nodded and left the room, heading up to his bedchamber. He did pause outside the door into Ellie’s room, but he didn’t hear anything. Maybe she had fallen asleep already; she had gone upstairs some time ago.

Going into his room, Derrick undressed himself, stripping off his stockings and shoes and getting rid of his upper garments. It didn’t take long before he was wearing just his breeches, which he unbuttoned. But instead of getting into his bed, Derrick found himself going over to the door that connected his room to Ellie’s. What would she say if he got into bed with her just for a cuddle? Would she tell him to leave? Derrick hoped not.

To his relief—and a little bit of surprise—the door was unlocked, and Derrick was able to slip into the room and shut the door without any noise. Ellie was in bed, curled up under the covers. There were candles lit on both tables on either side of the bed, already half-burned down and casting flickering shadows across the bed.

Derrick padded softly over, leaning over and brushing Ellie’s hair off her face.


Ellie stirred. Then she slowly opened her eyes, blinking up at him.


“Forgive me for waking you. I thought you might still be awake.”

It took a moment for Ellie to realise what he was wearing. Her eyes widened, and she lifted her head off the pillow.

“You… you’re nearly naked.”

“I can put some more clothes on, if you want.” Derrick hesitated. “I was merely wondering if you wanted some company. I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

“Do you mean that?”

“Of course.”

He thought Ellie was going to turn him down and he would have to go back to his room. Then Ellie sat up, and the sheets fell to her lap. It took Derrick a second to realise that she was naked. Her full breasts were unencumbered by her garments, her nipples hardened, and her breasts firm as she settled back on her elbows, her gaze unblinking.

“I was beginning to lose my nerve and think you weren’t going to come up.”

“You were waiting for me?”

“I did think about going into your bed, but I didn’t want to push it too much.” Ellie paused, uncertainty flickering across her face. “If you don’t want me, I can…”

Derrick silenced her with a kiss. Ellie stiffened before she relaxed and kissed him back. He didn’t think he could have held himself back if he tried after seeing his wife naked in her bed.

Wife. He really liked the sound of that.

Ellie ended the kiss first, smiling as she shuffled over and tugged the sheets across.

“Do you want to join me, then?”

Derrick didn’t need to be asked twice. He almost ripped his breeches as he removed the rest of his clothes, wincing as he brushed a hand against his erection. Then he was clambering onto the bed, pulling the covers back so fast that Ellie didn’t have time to grab at them. Now she was lying on the bed, fully naked and trying to cover herself. She squealed and curled up.

“You don’t need to do that.” Derrick grabbed her hands and gently eased them away. “I want to look at you.”

Ellie was panting as Derrick shifted to kneel between her legs, allowing him to move her hands to lay on the bed while he looked her over. She had curves in all the right places, and she looked so soft. Derrick brushed his fingers over her belly, causing Ellie to jump. Her panting was quickening, and Derrick could see goosebumps coming up on her skin.

He leaned over and kissed her, savouring the taste of her mouth for a moment before brushing his lips over her jaw, her ear, and then her neck. Ellie sighed, and her hands went to his shoulders, her fingers caressing his skin. God, she felt good, so pliant in his arms.

And he hadn’t even started yet.

Derrick shifted down her body, turning his attention to her breasts. The first flick of his tongue over her nipple made Ellie jerk underneath him, her hips coming off the bed and bumping his erection. Derrick held back a groan. He was moments away from forgetting that this was her first time and burying deep inside her, but he stopped himself. Ellie deserved a first time that made her smile at the end.

Taking his time, Derrick used his lips and tongue on her breasts, using his hand to lavish attention on the one he didn’t have his mouth on. As he kissed and caressed, he was aware of Ellie moaning underneath him, wriggling with his ministrations. She was so responsive, and Derrick loved it. It was like music to his ears.

Her legs were parted, now wrapping around his waist. Derrick shifted to put a hand between them as he kissed her breasts. The first touch between her legs made Ellie freeze and Derrick groan.