“I take it the dowager countess made sure everyone was fed.”

“You could say that.” North chuckled. “She does want to make sure that nobody can move after eating at our home.”

Matthews’s mouth twitched as he took their coats and hats. There was something softer about him, not like most butlers Ellie had come across. Even her own back in Kent was stiff and blank. Matthews had a bit more life in him, and there was an air about him that left Ellie feeling a bit less tense, especially when his mouth curved into a nice smile. She could only hope that his wife was the same.

“Dinner will be at seven-thirty, Ellie.” North kissed her cheek. “You go and freshen yourself up, and if you’re not rested enough for dinner, we can have a tray sent up to your room.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“It’s your first evening here, and it’s just the two of us. I’m not going to be cross if you want some time to yourself.” North squeezed her hand. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

Why was there so much implication there? Ellie could feel her face getting warm as she headed towards the stairs, following Matthews. All she could hope for now was that she was able to get up the stairs without tripping over her own feet. That was the last thing she wanted in front of a new servant and her own husband.

Husband. Ellie had no idea how long it would be before she got used to that.

Chapter 14

“I trust dinner was to your satisfaction, my lord,” Mrs Matthews said as she approached Derrick. “Maurice was hoping you would be happy with what he prepared for you.”

“I was more than happy with it, Mrs Matthews. Maurice never fails to disappoint.” Derrick sipped at his drink and gave his housekeeper a smile. “From the way Lady Northampton reacted tonight, she was happy as well.”

“I noticed. She finally started smiling once the main course came out.”

“I made sure Maurice made her favourite meal.”

“Ah, I see.” Mrs Matthews’s eyes twinkled. “That would explain the glow once she was eating.”

“She is nervous, Mrs Matthews. She’s suddenly become a countess, and it’s not something she’s used to.”

“I understand. She looks like a lovely girl, though. You did choose well, my lord.”

Derrick didn’t answer, but he did agree. Even though it was for practical reasons, he couldn’t have chosen better. Ellie was just the right person to be his wife.

While their dinner conversation had been more focused on business, with Derrick telling her all about their estate and the staff, including what her duties would be, he was aware of the tension in the air. Ellie kept glancing at him only to blush furiously and look the other way. He wasn’t stupid enough to wonder why. It was their wedding day, after all, and everyone knew what happened on a wedding night.

Aside from the carriage ride, this would be the first time today they had been alone. Ever since Ellie came to his house that morning for the wedding breakfast, there had been someone around them. Mostly his mother, who was bustling around getting things organised. For someone who hadn’t approved of Derrick’s choice of bride and kept voicing that disapproval, she had certainly thrown herself into making sure everything went smoothly.

Derrick could understand the dowager countess’s point of view. She wanted him to marry, to settle down and have children to pass on the earldom without any concerns for the future. But her over-protective behaviour could get annoying.

At least she would be living elsewhere. After his father passed away and Derrick got the title, Lady Northampton had moved out to one of the cottages they had on the estate. She had downsized everything herself, and she did like living on her own. Of course, they lived together during the Season in London, but his mother did tend to keep out of his way. For the most part.

Derrick was hoping she wouldn’t interrupt them for a while. Ellie was nervous already without her mother-in-law coming over and imposing. He had spoken to the dowager countess about that already, and while his mother had protested about his supposed accusations, she had agreed to step back and let Derrick deal with his marriage. She still wasn’t happy, though.

But that was something Derrick could deal with later. For now, he wanted to focus on Ellie. And he had a limited amount of time: Regina and Dorothea were arriving the next day, and he would need to show them around their new home.

While he was happy to help Ellie’s family and alleviate the pressure from their father, Derrick didn’t want his wife’s sisters under his nose. Thankfully, the girls had understood, although Regina kept giving him knowing looks during that conversation.

Now it was getting late. Ellie was probably asleep. Derrick should leave her alone and go to bed himself, but all he could think about was sleeping in the same bed as her, to cuddle her as he fell asleep. Even if he didn’t do more than that, it would be enough for him.

For now. Derrick was aware of the attraction between them growing, but he wasn’t about to push it. If Ellie wasn’t prepared, he wouldn’t do anything about the attraction, even if it drove him insane.

Finishing off his glass, he handed it to Mrs Matthews and stood up.

“I’ll head up to bed now. Good night, Mrs Matthews.”

“Good night, my lord. What time should I tell Maurice to start breakfast?”

“We probably won’t want it before eight-thirty.”