Ellie didn’t want to manage. If this had been the small, intimate gathering North had promised her, then she would be fine. It felt like she had been lied to. She straightened up and looked around the room.

For now, nobody seemed to be paying attention to her. North was at the far end of the room, and it looked like he was having a quiet argument with his mother. The dowager countess was facing him down, looking a little smug. Did he know what she was up to?

“I’m going to find a place to hide for now. If anyone asks, I’ve got to powder my nose.”

“Alright. Just don’t take too long, though.” Dorothea nodded across the room. “Although I’m sure Regina won’t mind. She’s enjoying herself, certainly.”

Ellie had noticed. Regina was with Randall Copelton by the window, and they seemed to be focusing more on each other than anyone else in the room. Ellie didn’t think she had seen Regina smile as much as this even out at balls. Randall had certainly made a good impression.

Squeezing her sister’s hand, Ellie managed to get out of the morning room without anyone stopping her. She quickly headed past the dining room, where more guests were getting food. Ellie hadn’t been able to eat anything; she was just too nervous.

She was beginning to wish that she had declined an engagement party. It was far too stressful, and she wasn’t even the one hosting it.

Right now, all she needed was a quiet room that nobody would think to look in. After checking around the doors to find a place she could hide in for a while, Ellie found the study. Surely, North wouldn’t mind if she escaped for a little bit in his study.

Ellie sagged into a chair by the unmade fire, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. God, this was exhausting. How anyone managed to host in this capacity, she had no idea. Ellie certainly couldn’t. She hoped North wasn’t going to ask her to host like this, because it would be an absolute no from her. A small gathering now and then would be fine, but not like this.

Ellie became aware of someone being in the same room as her when she felt someone kiss her. She started, sitting up with a gasp. North was leaning over her, giving her a smile.

“You got me worried when I saw you were gone.”

“Well, I’m here.”

“I noticed. Fast asleep.”

“I wasn’t asleep!” Ellie protested.

North’s eyes twinkled and leaned in again. “I’m not complaining. You look beautiful when you’re sleeping.”

Ellie accepted another kiss, her whole body feeling exhausted. She wanted North to sit with her and hold her as she fell asleep again, but she knew people were going to come looking for them. They were engaged, so nobody would raise an eyebrow, surely?

Then again, she didn’t want to deal with the scrutiny. Quite a few of the guests had made comments about believing she was a spinster and she had certainly looked the part. With the way things were being voiced, Ellie wasn’t sure if they were meant to insult her appearance or not.

“I know it’s a bit overwhelming,” North said as he broke the kiss, moving to a crouch in front of her. “But it won’t be for long, I promise.”

“Did you know how many people were coming?”

“I thought it would be about twenty people.”

Ellie felt a little faint. “Twenty?”

“People I personally invited. Mother said she would deal with it all. I just wasn’t expecting all of her friends to turn up, as well.” North shook his head. “I’m not happy about it, either, but we can’t do anything about it.”

“I wish we could,” Ellie muttered. Her head was still hurting. “Or we could teach your mother how to count.”

North’s mouth twitched. “I’d love to see you try that. I don’t think Mother will appreciate it, though.”

“It would make me feel better if there were fewer people, and not so many looking down at me.”

“I’m sure that’s not what is happening.”

Ellie glared at him. “Don’t minimise my concerns. I don’t like this much attention on me. If it was just the people you promised would be here, I would be fine. I was prepared for it. But this…” She shook her head. “It’s not something I can handle. It’s too much.”

North sighed and touched her knee. “You’ll be fine, Ellie. The scrutiny will die down once we’re married, but it’s always going to be there. You’re going to be a countess, so that will be natural.”

Ellie knew that. She just wished it wasn’t the case. North squeezed her knee, his hand warm through her skirts. It was almost like he was touching her bare leg, and it left Ellie shivering.

“Are you cold?”