“So,” she said snidely. “You’re the Earl of Northampton, are you?”

“I am, my lady.” Derrick gave her a bow. “I presume you’re Lady Diane Mansford?”

“I am. What is it that you want with my great-niece? She’s not exactly one to make an impression with her appearance.”

“Lady Mansford!” Ellie gasped, her cheeks flushing.

“What? I would like to know what his intentions are. He has to want to marry you for something, and it can’t be because of the obvious.”

Ellie didn’t look happy, and Emma’s expression said she was going to snap something when she shouldn’t. Randall rescued the situation, though, cutting in before anyone else said a word.

“Well, how about we go into the morning room, ladies? It’s bright and warm in there. Or would you want to step out onto the back terrace and into the sunshine?”

“I don’t do sunshine, young man,” Lady Mansford snapped. “The morning room it is. Come along, you two.”

And she started to walk away, leaning on her cane. Derrick watched her go, unsure if he should escort her or step back and hope she fell over. Sighing, Emma followed the elderly woman. Derrick moved to Ellie, whose expression said that she was close to wanting to hide.

“I apologise for my great-aunt,” she whispered. “She’s very… blunt.”

“That’s an understatement,” Randall muttered.

“Randall,” Derrick reproached. “She is Ellie’s family, and we have to behave ourselves.”

“Pity.” Randall turned to Ellie. “Are your sisters coming as well? I’m sure they were invited.”

“They’re coming along in another carriage with one of our maids. Aunt Diane said there wasn’t enough room for all of us, so they had to travel separately.”

“Then I’ll wait around and greet them myself.” Randall gave Derrick a sly look. “I’ll leave you with your future in-laws. Enjoy, my friend.”

He patted Derrick on the shoulder before walking away. Derrick groaned. Randall had been anticipating Regina Drummond’s arrival more than anything else. His friend wouldn’t admit it, but he was rather taken with the middle Drummond sister. He would certainly not say it out loud, but Derrick knew the signs.

He turned to Ellie, who was shifting from foot to foot, looking around her nervously.

“It… it’s a beautiful house,” she said quietly. “Very beautiful.”

“This is just our London home. We’ll mostly be staying at our estate in Northampton.”

“It’s not far, is it?”

“It’s far enough, but it won’t be a journey we’ll take much.” Derrick paused. “It is quite a way from your family, though, in Kent. I presume you’re thinking about your father?”

“I…” Ellie closed her eyes and sighed. “I don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m feeling nervous and knowing that my father is not well enough to see me get married isn’t helping.”

Derrick could understand that. He would have liked for his own father to see him get married, but it wasn’t going to happen. He touched her hand.

“After we’re married, we’ll make a point of going to visit your father. Or he can come to us. Will that work for you?”

Before Ellie could respond, lifting her face to his, a pointed cough had her springing away from him. Sighing, Derrick turned and saw his mother coming towards them, her stride stiff and her head held high. He fixed a cool smile on his face.


“My lord.” Lady Northampton turned her cold gaze onto Ellie. “And you must be Lady Drummond.”

“Yes.” Ellie dropped her head and bobbed a curtsy. “A pleasure to meet you, my lady.”

“That remains to be seen,” the dowager countess said sharply. She focused on Derrick, her stare icy. “I’ll see to the other guests, since you’re not doing it yourself.”

“It’s only Lady Drummond’s family who have arrived, Mother. None of the other guests are here yet.”