“You could say that. I think she believes that this engagement party is going to be a disaster.”

“So that’s why she was so insistent about coming along. Nothing about being my chaperone and representing the family.”

“Do you think this will go wrong?”

Ellie sighed. “I don’t really know. I mean, I’m confident that Lord Northampton and I will get married, but it’s everyone else around us.”

Emma patted her hand. “Don’t worry. Just take a deep breath and let everything roll off you like water. Nothing can bother you if you go in confident with your head held high.”

Ellie wasn’t feeling that confident, given that Aunt Diane was already in the house, and she was about to face Lady Northampton. Could she hold her head high throughout all this?

Then she was aware of the servant outside the carriage, holding onto the door and waiting with a blank expression. Ellie got out, waiting until Emma joined her. The door opened as the carriage was trundling away, and Randall Copelton came out. He gave the two women a beaming smile as he approached them.

“Lady Eleanora.” He clasped Ellie’s hand and bowed over her fingers. “Good to see you again.”

“Lord Copelton.” Ellie glanced at Emma, who was watching Randall with a bemused expression. “This is my cousin, Lady Burton.”

“It’s a pleasure, my lady.” Randall released Ellie’s hand to take Emma’s, giving her a smile that would have melted anyone. “Randall Copelton, at your service.”

“I… good afternoon.” Emma looked a little flustered as she carefully pulled her hand away. “Is the Earl of Northampton present?”

“He is. He’s currently finishing with the servants, getting everything in place. He asked me to wait for Lady Eleanora and escort her in.” Randall held out an arm to Ellie. “Shall we?”

Her heart racing, Ellie took his arm, glancing over at Emma. Her cousin gave her an encouraging nod and urged her to move. Feeling like she was about to go onto a stage in a theatre to the spectacle of older, nosey women, Ellie allowed Randall to lead her into the house.

Chapter 12

Derrick sighed and shook his head at his mother.

“Listen, Mother, I understand your concerns and I trust you want the best for me, but I do know what I’m doing.”

“Oh, do you?” Lady Northampton didn’t look convinced. She put her hands on her hips. “You expect me to be confident in your actions right now?”

Derrick rubbed his hands over his face. “Look, we’ve had this conversation several times since I told you that I was going to propose marriage, and the outcome is the same: I’m not going to take it back. I’m marrying Lady Drummond.”

“Well, I know you can’t take it back! You would humiliate our family by doing that!” The dowager countess huffed. “You really should think about everything else before you go ahead with a proposal. Now if you regret this engagement, you won’t be able to get out of it without making yourself look bad.”

Derrick was very well aware of that. But he was confident that his mother’s fears weren’t going to come to fruition. After all, what he was doing was very practical. It wasn’t rash.

“I’m not going to regret anything, Mother. Trust me.”

“How can I when you just barge straight into something without using your head?”

“Can we talk about this another time? The party is going to start soon, and Lady Drummond will be here by now. You’re the one who insisted on this, and I want it to go well.”

Lady Northampton lifted her chin in defiance. “Don’t expect me to welcome her with open arms, Derrick. I don’t approve at all.”

“You don’t have to. You’re not the one who’s going to get married to her. Just be nice to Lady Drummond; that’s all I ask.”

“I’m not promising anything.”

Derrick sighed as he left his study. He surmised that was as close as he was going to get. The countess was clearly not happy about any of this, and she had expressed her disdain for some time. But Derrick wasn’t about to let that deter him.

He headed towards the foyer, passing the dining room on his journey. The table had been moved to the far wall, where it had been draped with tablecloths and the plates of food were already set out. His mother wanted people to wander back and forth, grabbing what they needed within a relaxed atmosphere.

Derrick wasn’t sure if this was going to be more stressful for the dowager countess; she always wanted things just so, no room for error. And he could see something going wrong with having the guests wandering all over the house.

Randall and Ellie were in the foyer when Derrick arrived, along with Emma Burton. An elderly woman who was clearly was standing as tall as she could, holding onto a cane. She looked regal, especially in her dark blue gown. She was the first to notice Derrick arriving, and even though Derrick was taller, it felt like she was looking down on him.