“I’m glad Regina’s feeling better. She was even more nervous than I was when we were coming to join you.”

“She was nervous, and you were the one with the focus?”

“I think the stress of finding a potential husband so we’re not alone should anything—God forbid—happen to our father was getting to her.” Ellie gave him an impish look. “She was also a little annoyed that she had been working hard and while she had admirers, nobody was giving her a proposal, while I did nothing and still got engaged.”

Derrick could understand that. He watched Regina and Randall wander a little further down the river. As they did, Cousin Emma said something to Dorothea and stood up, dusting herself down before following the couple. Derrick knew Randall wouldn’t take Regina out of sight, but he could be sneaky when he wanted to be. Dorothea shifted around on the blanket and picked up a piece of cake, looking rather content on her own.

“I’m sure Regina will get a proposal soon. She’s a very pretty woman.”

“I hope so. She is getting flustered trying to find someone who wants to marry us with our current background and wealth.” Ellie shrugged. “I love her, and I know she will find a husband, but it’s stressful trying to get to that point in the first place. And gentlemen will see the money side and not have anything to do with her afterwards. It won’t matter if she’s pretty if men care about the money and connections, which is just not fair.”

“I don’t care about it,” Derrick pointed out. “If I don’t care, there’s going to be someone else who doesn’t care about your social standing and wealth.”

“I hope that’s the case. Because if Regina and Dorothea don’t find husbands soon, they’re going to just give up.” Ellie shook her head. “Thetoncan be quite vicious.”

Derrick knew all about that. He had been on the receiving end of theton’s attitudes as well. Thankfully, it was easier for gentlemen than it was for the ladies, but he did have sympathy for the young women trying to find a husband with so many expectations on their shoulders. It couldn’t be fair on anyone in that situation.

“What does Dorothea think about all of this?” he questioned, nodding towards Ellie’s youngest sister.

“She’s just going along with it all, I think. At her age, there doesn’t seem to be that much pressure. Regina and I are on the cusp of being considered too old, while she’s just eighteen.”

“She appears to be taking it all in her stride.”

“That does seem to be the case.” Ellie sighed. “I hope she is able to find a husband herself. She’s got more time than us.”

Derrick could tell that Ellie was switching her focus onto her sisters instead of keeping it on herself. She couldn’t stop herself from doing that.

Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. Ellie jumped.

“What was that for?”

“To get you to stop thinking about your sisters. You’re here for you, not for them.” Derrick touched her hand. “I’m sure we’ve got more interesting things to talk about than getting them matched up.”

Ellie hesitated. She looked unsure. Derrick wished they were alone and his servants weren’t standing by. They may not have been openly watching, but Derrick was painfully aware of their presence. He wanted to show Ellie what they should be focusing on, and their audience was preventing that.

“Forgive me,” Ellie mumbled. “I’ve gotten so used to looking after my sisters that I forget about myself.”

“You don’t need to apologise for that. I understand. But focus on you, Ellie. You’re allowed to do that.” Derrick squeezed her fingers. “Besides, we’ve got a few things we need to talk about. It does require a lot of your attention.”

Ellie sighed. “I suppose. I’m not sure what needs to be discussed. We get married, move into your home, and that’s it. Isn’t it?”

Derrick knew there was more to it than that. And it included Ellie meeting his mother. That was going to happen sooner rather than later.

While she wanted him to marry, Derrick had no idea what she was going to say about Ellie.


“Oh, Ellie, would you stop fidgeting?” Emma leaned over and stilled her hands. “You’re going to pick your dress to pieces, at this rate.”

“My apologies, Emma,” Ellie mumbled.

Sitting across from her, Lady Diane snorted rudely. “Young ladies don’t fidget and behave like they have an itch. You hold yourself with poise and grace, although that might be an issue at your age.”

Ellie gritted her teeth. She didn’t want to get into an argument with her elderly aunt, but the woman had been talking down to her ever since hearing news of her engagement, especially when she found out how they had met.

While Emma thought their ingenuity was quite impressive, Aunt Diane was furious. Ellie was still exhausted from the scolding when she told her family about the engagement, and all the passive-aggressive comments later on.

She wished that she had her sisters with her right now. Taking a deep breath, she managed a small smile.