Derrick winced. “Not in so many words.”

“That’s pretty much what you said, North. I know we need to marry, but I thought I said I wasn’t going to think about that for myself.”

“Unfortunately, I’ve got other plans in mind,” Derrick quipped with a slight smile. He shifted back and stretched his legs out, trying to get rid of his nerves. He never thought a proposal would be this difficult. “I’ve been looking for a wife, but I haven’t found anyone I connect with on a level that I think is right for us. If I can’t marry for love, I can at least marry someone I can respect and who respects me in return. When I met you, I knew that could be you.”

“Even when I was dressed as I was?”

“Even then. You can’t hide personality with what you were wearing.” Derrick hurried on as Ellie started to open her mouth. “Look, I’m not expecting us to declare undying love for each other. There is an attraction there, and we both know it. That is a good thing, in my opinion. But you would be helping me out immensely with my situation, and I can help with yours.”

“How would that work?” Ellie asked.

“You would have money. I can give you what you need to help your father.”

“You would do that?”

“I’ve got plenty to help you out with. I can also provide your sisters with dowries so they look more attractive as prospective wives.”

Ellie’s eyes were so big and round they were like saucers as she stared at him.

“Seriously? You would actually do that?”

“Of course I would. You love your sisters, don’t you? You’ve been taking care of them for a long time. How about you let someone else take care of them for once? There’s nothing wrong with stepping back, is there?”

“I… I guess not,” Ellie murmured. She was looking less bewildered. She shifted on the cushions. “So, if I agree to marry you, you will get a wife and I’ll get financial stability, and I can help out my family.”

“Yes. I promise that I will respect your choices as my wife, and I will look after you.” Derrick sighed. “I know you might have been expecting a love match, but I think the reality is we’re better off together than looking for something that might not exist.”

“That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?”

“Let’s just say I’ve been broken by it in the past. I don’t intend on having it happen again.”

Ellie looked contemplative about that. Her mouth twitched.

“Well, as you said, there is a dose of attraction between us. Maybe that will actually help.”

“I won’t push you on anything when it comes to that. We’ll go at your pace.”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. I will respect whatever you want to do when it comes to… well, a repeat of what happened in the carriage.”

He watched as her cheeks went pink. She bit her lip, and Derrick found himself wanting to kiss her again. But he held himself back; Ellie needed to give him a reply first. He wouldn’t force anything on her until he got his answer.

“I should be telling you to get lost and that it’s not happening,” Ellie said quietly. “Out of all the proposals you could have given me, that was probably the most clinical.”

“It’s not exactly something I’ve done before.”

“I understand that.” Ellie shifted to face him. “However, I like to think that I’m pragmatic, and I know you’re right. If I have to get married, I would want it to be with someone I can get on with. Otherwise, what would be the point? I don’t want to be miserable for the rest of my life.”

“So…” Derrick prompted.

“I will marry you. But you had better follow through on your promises to look after me and my family. Because if you don’t, I’ll make sure you live your life in hell for lying to me.”

He chuckled. “I’ll remember that. And I’m not going to betray you.” He leaned towards her, cupping her jaw in his hand. “Thank you, Ellie.”

This kiss was sweeter than the last one, but Derrick immediately found himself wanting to drag Ellie onto his lap to kiss her more and get his hands all over her. Preferable on bare skin without fabrics in the way. But he did remember where they were, so he kept it simple and withdrew before he gave in to the urge.

Ellie’s eyes opened slowly. She did look so lovely like that.