She entered the morning room, finding North sitting on the settee by the window, looking out at the street outside. He was looking rather sombre today, both in the dark grey of his jacket and breeches and in his demeanour. Ellie was now worried. Had something happened?


He looked up, and he immediately got to his feet. Why did he suddenly look nervous?

“Ellie. I mean, Lady Eleanora. I mean…” He looked past her to the open door. “I don’t know how to address you. Are we actually alone?”

“We’re alone enough. At least it will be obvious if someone is listening at the door.” Ellie crossed the room. “I’m surprised to see you at this time of the day. Is something wrong? Nothing bad has happened, has it?”

“No, nothing like that.” North hesitated, looking her up and down. Was it her imagination, or did his gaze focus on her breasts for a little too long? It was gone before Ellie could really grasp it. “How are you feeling after yesterday? No ill effects over being caught in the rain?”

“No, nothing at all. I feel fine, actually.” Ellie glanced back at the door, hoping none of the servants were walking past and listening in. “Thank you for yesterday. I think the situation would have been quite different if you hadn’t escorted me home and I had walked back in the rain.”

“You would probably still be in bed at this point.” North nodded. “I’m glad I came upon you when I did. But I didn’t come here to discuss yesterday.”

“Then why are you here?”


Why was he looking so nervous? Ellie wasn’t sure what to make of his attitude now. It felt like he was all over the place.

“This is a little… well, I don’t know how to bring it out. It’s not exactly something I can say so casually.”

“You’re not making any sense, North.” Ellie approached him. “What are you talking about?”

For a moment, she thought he wasn’t going to respond. Then he walked towards her, took her hands, and looked her directly in the eyes.

“Ellie Drummond, will you do me the honour of being my wife?”

Chapter 10

That could have come out a lot better. Derrick wanted to take it back and start again, but this wasn’t exactly the sort of thing one could take back. He watched as Ellie went fromsurprised to confused and then shocked. Her mouth fell open, and she looked as if Derrick had asked her to strip in public.

She still looked adorable, even when she was stunned.

“You… what…? You want me to marry you?”

“I do.”

Ellie still looked dazed, and she started to sway. Derrick moved to hold her up, but she held up her hands.

“Don’t. I’m fine.” She half-staggered over to the settee and sat down. She stared up at him. “I don’t understand. Why are you offering me marriage? Is it because of what happened?”

“What? No, of course not.”

“Then why? I don’t understand.”

Derrick sat gingerly beside her, careful not to touch her. His fingers were still throbbing from touching her a moment ago. It was something he couldn’t get rid of.

“I believe we could help each other out.”

“How so?”

“Well, I need to marry and obtain a wife. You need money, and stability. Do you see where this is going?”

For a moment, it didn’t look like Ellie understood what he was saying. Then her eyes narrowed.

“Are you saying that we should marry because it benefits each other? Like a transaction?”