I don’t want to have to answer awkward questions about what you and I are up to, and if you don’t want your reputation to be questioned, you would feel the same way. Besides,” he gestured at the heavens, “it’s going to start raining shortly, and I would rather not get caught in the downpour. So, are you coming or not?”

Ellie wanted to argue, but the reminder about her own reputation was enough to give her pause. There would be questions about why a woman was out by herself. But wasn’t she doing something to her reputation if she got into a carriage with a gentleman?

Then the thunder rolled again, and Ellie felt the raindrops on her face. That made up her mind; she didn’t want to get wet. Her wet state would definitely be something she couldn’t explain away very well.

“Alright.” She nodded. “You can take me home. But don’t you dare tell my aunt that I was out on my own.”

“Just as long as you don’t do it again.”

“I can’t promise that.”

North sighed and tugged her towards his carriage. They were just getting inside when the rain really started coming down. People walking by started making a commotion, rushing to get out of the downpour. Ellie sat back in relief as she watched them scurry out of sight. She was glad she hadn’t hesitated a moment longer.

“That was close,” North declared as he sat across from her. He rapped his hand on the roof. “Cavendish Road.”

The carriage set off again, Ellie holding onto the seat to stop herself from being pitched onto the floor. She settled back in her seat once they were moving smoothly along.

“You don’t need to drop me off there. The end of the street, or the next one, will be fine.”

“I won’t stop outside your house, if that’s what you’re concerned about.” North fixed her with a hard stare. “But I’m not going to let you walk far in this rain. You’ll be soaked before you’ve gone a couple of feet. You don’t want to catch a cold, do you?”

“I… I guess not.”

Hopefully, her cousin and sisters hadn’t come home, and Lady Mansford was in her bed, otherwise there would be a lot of awkward questions. After Ellie had given her sisters a tongue-lashing for demanding something of her that they knew couldn’t have.

“What were you doing out this far?” North asked. “And why were you alone? What’s going on?”

“I was just being a fool.”

“How so?”

Ellie sighed heavily and closed her eyes. She was beginning to feel a headache coming on. It was like everything was settling on her head.


“I went to the dressmaker. I wanted to see what the price would be to make dresses for my sisters.”

“Why didn’t your sisters come along with you?”

“They decided last night that I should go and see what the prices would be. Emma was going to take them out, and there wouldn’t be enough time. So I offered to go while they were occupied.” Ellie swallowed. “Now I wish I’d never gone. It was a pointless thing to do.”

“How so?”

Ellie didn’t respond. She heard a rustling of clothing, and she opened her eyes to see North leaning forward, his eyes focused on her. God, that look of his was intense.

“Ellie, talk to me. Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you do it together?”

“Because we weren’t thinking. It was sprung on me, and I said what I could to placate them.”

“By going alone when nobody knows where you are?”

Ellie winced. It did sound like a stupid thing to do. “You must think I’m not a clever person.”

“On the contrary, I think you’re more intelligent than I am. But you’re pushing yourself a little too much.” North’s expression softened. “You’re doing too much, Ellie. You’re trying to do things for your sisters to make it easier for them, but the reality is you’re just making it harder for yourself. You can’t keep doing these requests for Regina and Dorothea, or they’ll keep asking because they can.”

“You think they’re taking advantage of me.”

“It certainly looks like it. Your sisters are nice people, but they’re getting above their station with you. You need to put your foot down or you’ll end up in trouble, and they’re going to be stuck with you.”