“And so you dressed yourself up to look older?”

“Pretty much. We need financial security due to our own family struggles, and they are more likely to find someone who wants to make them married women.”

Derrick was surprised at how candid Ellie was. He hadn’t expected that. Then again, given what everyone else did when it came to looking for a husband or wife, it shouldn’t have been. And yet it was more surprising than seeing a young and beautiful woman pretending to be someone she wasn’t.

“So that’s why you’re in London and staying with your aunt?”

“Yes, it is. Father is sick, and I didn’t want to leave him, but he said I needed to look after my sisters. I needed to be sure that the two of them didn’t get into a situation they couldn’t get out of.” Ellie grimaced. “They’re doing well, but now I feel like I’ve gotten myself into a situation I shouldn’t be in.”

“How come?”

“What if I go out as myself, and people connect what is going on? I certainly can’t go if my cousin is present, otherwise she’s going to find out. I don’t want to know what her reaction would be.” Ellie eased away from him with a shake of her head. “I got myself caught up in a scheme, and I don’t really know how to get out of it.”

Derrick could see that. He also saw her distress. Reaching out, he touched her back, which had her stiffening.

“I’m sure your cousin would understand. She might be a little cross, but she would understand.”

“I hope that’s the case.” Ellie went over to a rose bush and brushed her fingers over the pink blooms. “All I wanted was for my sisters to find husbands. I promised to look after them. And there are times when I don’t think I’m doing a good job.”

“They’re tougher than you think.”

“I know, but it’s hard to shake those thoughts.”

Derrick understood where she was coming from. He’d heard that the Countess of Gillingham had passed away several years ago, and he had a feeling Ellie had stepped into the role of mother to look after her sisters. It looked like she had been doing it for a long time, and a role like that wasn’t something that anyone could shake off.

Derrick glanced towards the house and moved until he couldn’t be seen from the windows.

“You don’t need to put all of this on your shoulders, Ellie. Sometimes, you should be able to do something for yourself.”

“That’s not as easy as you think, North.” Ellie sighed. “Regina and Dorothea are beautiful. Once they’re settled, I’ll think about myself. If I’m lucky.”

“You don’t think you’re as beautiful as your sisters?”

“I know I’m not. Ouch!”

Ellie flinched and pulled her hand away from the bush. Her finger was bleeding at the bend, blood already trickling onto her hand. Immediately, Derrick got out his handkerchief and pressed it on the cut. Ellie hissed, but she didn’t pull away.

“Was it that deep?”

“Rose thorns are deceptive. You think you’re missing them, and then they sneak up on you.”

“You make thorns sound like they’re capable of animation.”

“Given my luck, I wouldn’t be surprised.”

Derrick smiled, keeping the handkerchief pressed on her hand. With his other hand, he touched Ellie’s jaw, urging her to look up at him. She did, confusion in her eyes as she stared at him. Her hazel eyes were darker than before, gold and green swirling around in her irises. Was she breathing faster, or was that him? Derrick wasn’t really sure.

“Just so you know,” he said as he brushed her fingers along her cheek and cupped the side of her neck. “I think you’re beautiful. Even with that stuff on your face, I thought you were beautiful.”

“Really?” Ellie looked dazed. “You jest, surely.”

“I’m not. I really mean it.” Derrick shifted closer. “Do you want me to show you?”

He expected Ellie to push him away before he kissed her, maybe a slap to the face. He wouldn’t have blamed her for that. But instead, she was hesitantly kissing him back, allowing Derrick to direct the kiss as he wanted. After a moment, just when Derrick decided to pull back, she grew bolder. Her mouth tasted so sweet, and she was so pliant. Her responsive nature was just as delicious as her mouth.

Derrick wanted to pull her against him and take the kiss further, but he was aware of where they were. While they had a bit of privacy, they could still be caught. Derrick didn’t want to ruin Ellie’s reputation like that.

He wouldn’t mind ruining her mouth for anyone else, though.