And that smile of hers, unencumbered by her disguise, was just stunning. It lit up her whole face, and her eyes sparkled. Derrick didn’t think he could find anyone more beautiful.

Plus, the fact that he was feeling this so suddenly and strongly was scary. He’d found himself panicking and leaving in a rush. Eleanora had to think that he was a big fool.

“So, what are you going to do?” Randall asked. “Are you actually going to pursue her?”

“Do you think I should?”

“It’s up to you, Derrick. It’s your life, not mine. If you find her attractive enough that you end up making yourself look like you haven’t got much of a brain in your head, then that means she’s something to you. You should consider it.”

“I guess, but…” Derrick groaned. “How am I supposed to be in her company without doing the same thing again? How can I manage to cope when I’m in a social gathering and she’s in her disguise?”

Randall shrugged. “Don’t look at me for advice when it comes to something more than a fling. I’ve not been in that position before. You’re going to have to figure this out on your own.”

“You’re such a help, Randall, do you know that?”

“Well, that’s me being honest. You know that about me. Anyway, if you like her, and you think there’s something there, you should make the most of it. See if it goes anywhere, and if she likes you in return.”

“I don’t know how she thinks of me in return. She was trying very hard to push me away.”

“Then you need to find out. Find that confidence you had in social gatherings, and just talk to her. Find out more about her, and see if this is something you can pursue.”

“I guess, but…”

“But what?”

Derrick sighed, staring at the glass in his hands.

“Her father, the Earl of Gillingham, is quite sick, and I’m pretty sure they didn’t have much money, if any at all. Mother wants me to marry, but she would rather I married into a family that had money. That’s important.”

“And what’s important to you?” Randall asked. “Money or how you feel about a woman?”

“You know the answer to that.”

“But you have to say it out loud.”

Derrick groaned. He finished the rest of his drink, placing it heavily on the table between them.

“Alright, fine. I prefer her to the money. It would be nice, but that comes second to what I want. And I want Lady Eleanora Drummond.”

“That’s the spirit.” Randall grinned and raised his glass. “Now you need to figure out how you’re going to get her to fall in love with you.”

“That’s going to be easier said than done,” Derrick grumbled.

“But you love a challenge, don’t you? I’m sure you’ll be able to get her interest in you in no time.”

At least Randall had faith in him. Derrick didn’t feel the same way. Not after his disastrous visit to Eleanora’s home.

He was going to have to figure out a different tactic.



Ellie looked up. Regina was in the doorway to the morning room, looking rather bemused. Ellie put down the pen.

“Are you alright, Regina? What is it?”

“You have a visitor. I believe it’s the Earl of Northampton. The gentleman we met at that dinner party?”