“You bought them, didn’t you?” Ellie took the bouquet, careful not to touch North this time, and inspected the bunch. “You don’t know what types they are?”

“I had a bit of help from someone. I admittedly don’t know about flowers, and I didn’t want to get the wrong ones and insult you.”

“Can’t be any worse than the flowers my sisters have been getting.” Ellie gestured around the room. “I don’t think I’ve seen so many roses and carnations in my life.”

“I noticed that.” North looked around with an amused smile. “I thought I was back in the florist’s for a moment. That’s a lot of flowers. Your sisters have a lot of admirers, don’t they?”

“You could say that. They’ve been arriving all day so far.”

“Any for you?”

Ellie shook her head. “No, I haven’t received any.”

“Then I’m honoured that I’m the first you get flowers from.” His smile was now turned on her. “You deserve your own bouquet.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say to that. She turned the bouquet over and looked at the flowers. White lilies, alstroemeria, and daisies. Simple, but sweet. None of the flowers said they were for long-lasting love and adoration. It was more like a friendship bouquet.

While she was touched, Ellie did feel a little flat knowing that she didn’t have a red rose tucked away in there.

“Are you alright?” North now looked uncomfortable. “Did I get the flowers wrong? I asked the florist to help me choose the right ones that wouldn’t offend you.”

“No, you haven’t offended me at all.” Ellie indicated each of the flowers in the bunch. “White lilies are for happiness and joy, alstroemeria is for friendship, and daisies are for innocence and purity.”

“So I did get it right.” North’s expression was one of relief.

“Don’t worry about it. While I know the language of flowers, somewhat, I’m not going to be offended by anything you give me.” Ellie went to the fireplace and tugged on the bellpull.

“I do love carnations, just so you know, but unfortunately those are meant to be romantic flowers like roses. A striped carnation means refusal, which can be uncomfortable when you buy some just because you want them and someone sees it. And a yellow carnation, my favourite, means disappointment.”

North chuckled. “So if I got you your favourite flowers, you would end up with people wondering what was wrong with you?”

“They would wonder if I couldn’t get a stronger rejection if I tried.” Ellie laughed. “People do tend to read into things when there’s nothing there. It’s annoying.”

“I can imagine.”

They were interrupted by the door opening and Crackell entered the room. Ellie crossed the room and handed him the bouquet.

“Can you put these into a vase, Crackell, if there’s a spare one? And are you staying for tea, my lord?”

“Hmm? I don’t want to put you out…”

“I’m sure we can manage tea for you if you’re staying.”

Inside, Ellie was silently hoping that he would agree to stay. She wanted to spend time with him, even if they did have Emma hovering over them. Ellie wouldn’t even mind if Lady Mansford woke up and started asking awkward, embarrassing questions. Just as long as she got to spend time with North.

Wait, what was going on? Ellie had been trying to push him away to focus on her sisters, and now she was hoping that he would pay her more attention.

God, flowers were more trouble than they were worth, even if the message was simple and sweet.

Crackell left the room with the flowers, and North cleared his throat.

“Well, I think I’d better be going.”


“I just wanted to come by and give you some flowers. Remind you that you’re a desirable lady as well as your sisters.” North’s eyes drifted over her face. “And I’m glad I did come by. You really are a beautiful woman. That’s not something you should hide.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say. No one had ever before commented on her beauty in such an outright manner. The few times she had encountered gentlemen involved them being very flowery with their words, as if it would flatter her. With North, it was nothing like that. He was just… honest about it.