“I… I didn’t think I made an impression on anyone.”

“Lady Burton?” Crackell was still hovering over them, looking from one woman to another. “What shall I do about the earl? Should I tell him to leave?”

“No, don’t do that. I’ll go and meet with him.” Ellie lowered the parasol and closed it. “Would you show him into the drawing room, Crackell?”

“Of course, my lady.”

Crackell went back into the house. Emma gave Ellie an amused smile.

“Now this is a bit of a turn up, isn’t it?”


“You were talking about Regina and Dorothea having stronger chances of finding husbands, and then you end up with having the first gentleman caller.”

“I didn’t go looking for one!”

“I’m sure your father will be very happy to hear that.”

Ellie groaned. “Please, don’t say anything to Father about this. It’s likely nothing, anyway.”

“When a gentleman calls to see a woman, it means something. I know you can have friendships with the opposite sex, but that doesn’t always happen.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say to that. She just handed the parasol to her cousin and stood up.

“I won’t be long.”

“Take all the time you need, darling.” Emma grinned as she sat back. “We’ve got nothing to do this afternoon for now. Enjoy the time with your gentleman caller.”

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Seeing you get embarrassed over a man? Of course I am.”

Ellie rolled her eyes and went into the house. She loved her cousin, but she did tend to tease a bit too much.

Heading through the house, Ellie entered the drawing room. The curtains had been opened wide, letting the daylight in and making the room brighter than it usually was. Not as bright as the morning room, but it was enough. Ellie still wondered why her relatives had decorated the morning room with lighter, brighter colours while the drawing room had a darker decor. It was a little odd.

North was standing in front of the fireplace, looking up at the huge portrait over the mantelpiece. The man in the painting seemed to be staring back at him. He turned as Ellie entered the room, and Ellie saw his eyes widening. His mouth dropped open, and he stared at her.

Ellie tried not to squirm as she crossed the room, almost tripping over her skirts. She caught herself before she looked like a fool and composed herself as she approached him.

“Lord Northampton. I didn’t realise you were going to be calling.”

“Forgive me for doing it out of the blue, but… well…” North shook himself. “I apologise, I didn’t mean to stare. I was expecting you to be prettier without that stuff you were using to make yourself look older, but I wasn’t expecting you to be… well… stunning.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say to that. Her mind had gone blank. When it started back up again, she shook herself.

“Oh. Well… thank you, I think.” She looked at the bouquet of flowers in his hand. “Are those for me, or do you normally go around holding flowers?”

“Oh! Forgive me. These are for you.” North held them out, a slight blush starting across his cheeks. “I hope you like them.”

Ellie looked at the bouquet, taking it from his outstretched hand, only to nearly drop it when their fingers brushed and a shiver went up her hand. North caught the flowers before they fell, giving her a slight smile.

“Careful. Wouldn’t want you to catch yourself on a thorn.”

“You don’t get thorns with these types of flowers.”

“Oh, really?”