“It’s nothing, Emma.” Ellie managed a smile. “I guess I’m still really tired. Balls are quite exhausting.”

“I know that much. I remember them from when I was your age. Why don’t you go and get some rest?” Emma gestured at Lady Mansford, who was sitting in her chair, propped up with her cane and her head down. “Mother’s asleep now, so she can’t say anything about you sneaking off to have a nap.”

As if in response, the old woman snored so loudly that it made both women jump. They giggled, something Emma tried unsuccessfully to stifle.

“I know I shouldn’t laugh, but it is quite amusing.”

“She’s louder than when she’s awake.” Ellie laughed.

“And she’ll be awake if we raise our voices and make more noise. She’s far easier to handle when she’s asleep.”

“Do you think she’ll ever stop bothering you?”

“Only once she’s in the grave, and I’m sure she’ll figure out how to get to me from there.” Emma shrugged. “It’s something I have to accept.”

“Who should accept anything like that?”

“By the time my husband passed away, I was prepared to handle his mother on my own.” Emma put a hand over Ellie’s. “Don’t worry, not all elderly mothers are like this. She’s just a rare case.”

A rare case that set Ellie’s teeth on edge. She had no idea it was possible to insult someone while being sickly sweet and subtle about it in so many different ways. Lady Mansford was definitely a rare breed.

Ellie hoped she was lucky not to encounter anyone else like her ever again.

She looked around the garden, adjusting the parasol so she could see. The sun was shining brightly, and the air was nice and warm. It was bright enough that she needed the parasol so she could see without dots dancing around in front of her eyes.

“Where did Regina and Dorothea go? I can’t see them.”

“They said that they were going to the oak tree at the far end of the garden. Regina said they were going to see about picking some apples.” Emma looked amused. “I think they just want to be flirtatious with the gardener’s assistant. He’s young and attractive.”


“What? I may be older, but I have eyes. I can appreciate a good-looking young man. Evidently, your sisters do as well.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say about that, but she was glad that Regina was in a better mood. She had been very stressed during the ball the evening before, and that hadn’t left even after they had. Now, she was more relaxed, like a weight had been taken off her shoulders. The sister she knew well was back.

She didn’t need that much pressure on her. Ellie wished she could get rid of it.

“Excuse me, my lady.”

Ellie turned as the butler approached them, bowing to Emma.

“Yes, Crackell? What is it?”

“The Earl of Northampton is at the door. He is requesting an audience with Lady Eleanora.”

“Me?” Ellie squeaked.

“Yes, my lady. He’s in the foyer right now. I didn’t know if he was expected as it’s outside the time to have visitors.”

Emma arched an eyebrow at her niece.

“The Earl of Northampton. Where on earth did you meet him?”

“We met at the ball,” Ellie said vaguely, aware that her face was getting warm.

“And he’s coming over the next day to see you? You must have made an impression as a chaperone.”

Ellie almost told her that they had met before, but that would mean explaining to her aunt what they had been up to, and Ellie didn’t think the older woman would be too happy hearing what they had done. Approving them to go out with Ellie in the chaperone position was one thing, but to sneak out… they would certainly get into trouble. Ellie didn’t want that.