“Of course I am. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’ve not heard you talk about giving flowers to a woman. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you taking an interest.”

“Well, things change. So do people.” Derrick stood up and tossed the towel onto the chair he had been sitting on. “Do you know anything about flowers? I know you’ve been courting that maid in the household across the street.”

Brent’s face went bright red. “I… I didn’t think anyone knew about that.”

“I’m not blind, Brent. I have seen the two of you together.” Derrick chuckled at his valet’s discomfort. “It’s nothing to be ashamed about. And I have seen you give her flowers.”

“Well… I…” Brent cleared his throat. “I asked Lauren what flowers to give her.”


“The gardener’s daughter.”

“Oh, of course.” Derrick had almost forgotten about the spritely girl who used to follow her father around whenever he was working. “She works in a florist, doesn’t she?”

“She does. That one across the street from the park around the corner.”

“I want you to go there and ask for a bouquet of flowers for myself. I’ll give you the money to pay for them.”

“Yes, my lord.” Recovering, Brent started to tidy up, putting the shaving kit aside before he picked up the tray with Derrick’s cufflinks and cravat pin. “What sort of flowers were you thinking?”

“None that say I’m in love or anything.”Not yet, anyway.“Something that compliments a young lady. Something that says friendship. Innocent.”


Brent sounded sceptical, which almost had Derrick smiling. His valet did know him well, and Derrick was far from innocent.

“Do you think you can do that? Lauren knows the language of flowers, so it shouldn’t be difficult to make up a bouquet.”

“I’m sure she can find something for you, my lord.” Brent started putting the cufflinks into Derrick’s sleeves. “How big do you want the bouquet?”

“Not too big. Just a couple of different types of flowers, or a small bouquet of one flower. I don’t want it to make people look at me like I’ve gone mad.”

“Of course not, my lord.” Brent’s voice was sardonic.

“Careful, Brent.”

“Forgive me, my lord. I’m not used to hearing you talk about giving a lady flowers.” The other man frowned as he pinned the cravat pin to the silk at Derrick’s throat. “It’s a rather… interesting experience for me.”

“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” Derrick adjusted his cravat. Why did society dictate that these had to be done up so tightly? He was surprised that he could breathe. “Also, ask around and find out where Lady Eleanora Drummond lives.”

“Lady Eleanora Drummond?”

“The Earl of Gillingham’s daughter. She mentioned living with a relative. Can you do that?”

“Of course. It might take a few hours, but I can do that.”

“As long as you find out by the end of the day. I want the flowers to be fresh.” Then Derrick had a thought. “Actually, do that first and then go to the florist. I don’t want the flowers to be wilting by the time I get to her residence.”

“Certainly, my lord. Will that be all?”

“Yes. You can go now.”

Brent bowed and left the room. Derrick got his jacket and shrugged it on, checking it in the mirror. At least he didn’t look too bad. Hopefully, it would be enough for Lady Eleanora to consider presentable.

He paused. It had been a very long time since he had worried about what a woman thought when she looked at him. Derrick had no problem looking and doing what he wanted; if a woman found him attractive and could be seduced into his bed, he was content with that. But Lady Eleanora was different. Very different.