Dancing with an earl. That sounded like she was in a dream. But Ellie shook her head.

“It would not be appropriate, my lord. Go and dance with someone who deserves your attention.”

“And you think you don’t deserve my attention?”

They stared at each other, Ellie unsure about how to proceed. This wasn’t meant to happen. She was meant to be watching over her sisters, not having a flirtatious conversation herself.

Was she being flirtatious? Ellie wasn’t sure; she had never been flirtatious before.

Something caught the corner of her eye, and Ellie looked around to see an older woman standing near the orchestra, looking as if she was trying to get North’s attention.

“I think someone wants a word with you, my lord.”

“Hmm?” North looked around, turning back with a sigh. “It’s my mother. I’d better see what trouble she’s causing now.”

“I’m sure she’ll be glad of your attention.”

“I’d rather be talking to you.”

Ellie sighed and shook her head. “Go and look after your mother, my lord. Leave me be.”

North frowned. He looked reluctant to leave. But he bowed to her. “I’ll be seeing you shortly, Lady Eleanora.”

Then, he was walking away, and Ellie was unable to stop herself from watching him go. The way his leg muscles moved as he walked, the way his breeches clung to said legs…

She shook herself. She needed to get a hold of herself. The Earl of Northampton was a man who couldn’t distract her. Not right now.

Her sisters should be the focus, not her own desires. Although Ellie was sure she wouldn’t find North attractive if they simply passed each other in the street.

Even as she thought that, however, Ellie knew she was lying to herself.

Chapter 6

After seeing Lady Eleanora again the night before, Derrick knew things couldn’t stay as they were. He didn’t want to look around at social gatherings in the hopes of seeing the fake spinster, nor did he want to have random conversations with her in small, snatched moments.

He wanted to know more. To draw the real woman out. She was far more fascinating than the other women he had been conversing with under his mother’s watchful eye.

But how was he to approach her? How did a gentleman approach a woman who was pretending to be someone she wasn’t, and talk to her in a friendly manner? Any gentleman who called on a young unmarried woman would be seen as attempting to court her. Did he want to court her?

Yes. I do.

The realisation wasn’t as surprising or as shocking as Derrick expected. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Now he had to decide how he was going to approach her. It wouldn’t take much to find out where she lived, but planning what to say to her would take a while. After all, what did you say to someone like her without sounding like a fool?

Derrick wished this wasn’t building knots in his stomach. He had talked to women before, and he had called on a few when courting was not on the table. Why was it so difficult with Lady Eleanora? It didn’t make any sense.

By the time he rolled out of bed the next morning, Derrick still wasn’t too sure of his game plan. But he did know that he wanted to go and find Lady Eleanora. He wanted to see her in something of a natural environment, preferable to a ball or a dinner party. He wanted to see her without that ridiculous paint on her face. Derrick was certain that she was prettier without it.

First, he needed to figure out what he was going to say.

“Brent,” he said as his valet cleaned up after shaving his master, “what flowers would you send to a lady?”

Brent stopped, almost dropping the razor. “My lord?”

“I’m going to be paying a visit to a young woman. We’re not going to be courting, but I would like to take her some flowers.” Derrick used a towel to wipe his face. “However, I know that there is a language with flowers that is rather… complicated. I want to give her something, just not flowers that say I’m in love with her or something close to it.”

“I see.” Brent was peering at him strangely. “Are you feeling alright, my lord?”