“You’re not aware?”

“You know perfectly well that I’m particularly well-versed on everyone in theton.”

North’s eyes twinkled. He leaned against the wall and nodded at Regina’s dance partner.

“That’s the Marquis of Devon. He’s probably one of the most sought-after men in the country, especially since he’s a widower.”

“A widower?” Ellie peered at the marquis. “How old is he?”

“From what I’ve been told, he’s about to turn forty.”

“He looks pretty handsome for his age.” Then Ellie realised what she had said and blushed. “I shouldn’t have said that. It was too forward.”

“I don’t think he would be offended even if you told him outright.” North chuckled. “Anyway, he’s been a widower for about five years now. He doesn’t need to worry about heirs as he already has three sons and a daughter, so finding a wife is almost… I don’t know what the word is, but his new wife won’t have to worry about the extra pressures of being his new partner, other than having to be a stepmother to his children.”

Ellie didn’t know what to say about that. The dance ended, and the marquis took Regina’s hand and bowed. They seemed to be having an intense conversation, and Regina was captivated by him. She couldn’t see her sister coping with being a stepmother at her age.

“But… if he’s looking for a wife and children isn’t an issue, shouldn’t he look for someone closer to his age? Regina is four-and-twenty years of age. That’s far younger.”

“If there’s a genuine attraction, do you think we can stop it?”

North did have a point. Even so, Ellie did feel somewhat concerned; she had a duty to look out for her sisters while she was playing the part. While Regina might have caught the eye of a marquis, it didn’t necessarily mean that this would be progressing further, or that the marquis had genuine intentions. He could be looking for a bit of fun, for all they knew.

Hopefully, Regina wouldn’t do anything stupid. Like leave the room with the man and send Ellie into a panic.

“Your other sister appears to be having a good time,” North said, nodding towards Dorothea as she looked to be regaling her new friends with a story, which they were listening to with avid attention. “She looks to be just as popular.”

“Well, she’s young and spritely. She can probably charm the entire room with a smile if she was given half a chance.”

“I think that’s happening already. There are plenty of gentlemen paying attention to her.”

“But not you?”

North gave her a sly smile. “I’ve got my attention fixed on somebody else. She’s far more intriguing than someone ten years my junior.”

There was something about the way he said it, and the way he looked at her, that made Ellie feel like the heat that was now settled low in her belly was blooming outwards. How she was still standing upright, Ellie had no idea.

She did her best to ignore it, but it was easier said than done. North peered at her.

“Are you alright? You look like you’re swaying a little.”

“What? Oh!” Ellie reached out and put a hand on the wall to steady herself. “I didn’t notice. I think I’m a little tired.”

“Would you rather just sit down?”

“I should be watching my sisters. Sitting down can wait.”

“Not when you look like you’re about to keel over.” North gestured at a chaise pushed against the wall at the far end of the room. “Let me help you. You’ll still be able to see everything from there.”

Ellie knew she should be refusing him—she shouldn’t be doing anything regarding North when he made her insides feel like they had turned out the other way—but she found herself taking his offered arm, her cheeks burning.

“Alright. But then leave me be. I’m not here to converse with anyone.”

“You do realise that the chaperone not talking to the other guests is going to hinder your sisters and their interactions, don’t you?”

“I’m sure that’s not the case.”

“Do you want to find out the hard way?” North asked. He gave her an easy smile. “Besides, it’s not that difficult to have a conversation with someone. You’re managing to do it with me.”