Derrick stopped, hearing the voice before the woman left the carriage. A moment later, Catherine was climbing out, wearing a dark blue dress that complemented her body, her hair swept up on top of her head to reveal her long, swanlike neck. Derrick realised he was staring and looked away. Clearing his throat and bracing himself, he approached the group.

“Lady Saxton.”

Catherine turned, her eyes widening when she saw him.

“North! I didn’t realise you were going to be here as well.”

“Likewise. Do you normally employ people like him?” Derrick gestured at the driver, who was rolling his eyes at Lady Northampton’s tirade. “He came tearing up the drive like a madman. We had to get out of the way, otherwise there would have been an accident.”

“Oh, my lord. Please forgive me, I had no idea he was behaving like that.” Catherine looked a little flustered as she adjusted her shawl. “I was worried we were going to be late, that’s all.”

“Well, talk to him about his behaviour, and also how he talks to the nobility. Mother isn’t going to be quiet until he grovels, at this point.”

“Of course.” Catherine turned and signalled to the driver. “That will be all, Flanigan. Apologise to Lady Northampton, and then you can go.”

“What?” The driver looked affronted. “Why would I apologise to her? She was rude to me!”

“You drove recklessly, and you could have harmed her and her son.” Catherine’s voice sounded like ice. “Apologise to Lady Northampton—or would you like my husband to speak toyou about your attitude? You promised you would not squander the second chance he gave you.”

A second chance? Derrick wondered what the driver had done to warrant this second chance warning in the first place. Flanigan looked ready to explode, his face going red and his jaw tightening. But he looked at Lady Northampton and gave her a curt nod.

“Forgive me, my lady,” he said with a sneer. “I apologise for doing my job.”

“What?” Lady Northampton gasped. “How dare you?”

“Flanigan!” Catherine snapped. “Take the carriage away. Now!”

Still scowling, Flanigan urged the horses into motion and started off at a quick pace. Derrick went to his mother’s side.


“I can’t believe he would talk to me like that!” Lady Northampton was fuming. “Why did he think that was acceptable?”

“I must apologise for him, Lady Esther,” Catherine said gently, although she didn’t look happy. “Flanigan is rather… hotheaded.”

“If he wants to know what hotheaded is, he should be in my company for a while.” Derrick’s mother spun around sharply. “I’ll be inside, Derrick. I need a drink.”

She stalked away, Derrick watching her go. Then he remembered that Catherine was there, and she was watching him. He turned and, sure enough, her green eyes were fixed on him. Before, whenever he saw those eyes, he was at her beck and call. Now, there was nothing in his chest. No temptation at all to touch her.

It was like looking at another acquaintance. Maybe he was completely over her now.

“I can’t begin to apologise enough for that, North,” Catherine said, biting her lip. “I thought he would be on his best behaviour. My husband assured me he would do as he was told.”

“What did he do to need a second chance from his employer?”

“He got drunk and came back to the house in that state, starting a fight with my husband’s valet before he made a pass at my stepdaughter.”

“Seriously? And he still has a job?”

“I was surprised as well, but my husband said it was between him and Flanigan, and I shouldn’t worry about it. Even my stepdaughter isn’t happy about it.” Catherine shrugged. “But it’s nothing to do with me. As long as he behaves himself, which doesn’t seem to be happening.”

Derrick wanted to say that Flanigan should lose his job for being so reckless, but it wasn’t his household, so he should stay out of it.

“So, are you going to escort me in?” Catherine nodded towards the house. “It’s the gentlemanly thing to do, isn’t it?”

“Where is your husband?”

“He’s at home. He didn’t want to come tonight.”