Hannah looked like she was going to push further, but she didn’t, going back to helping Ellie dress. Ellie was glad about that; she wasn’t sure if she could put her current thoughts into words. She hadn’t been able to talk to her sisters about it as her thoughts were just ramblings right now. Regina and Dorothea might either be confused or tease her for getting so flustered about a gentleman she didn’t even know the name of.

It was a little embarrassing that a brief encounter with someone could invoke such emotion in her. That had never happened before. Ellie had met many handsome men in the past, but none of them had made her pulse skip or left her feeling lightheaded. She didn’t even think it was possible to have a dry mouth so quickly looking at someone.

What was wrong with her? The only thing she was sure about was that he was a gentleman, a member of the nobility. Ellie had no name, just a face—a pleasant, warm-looking face with sparkling dark eyes and a lovely smile.

A smile that left her stomach fluttering and her legs weak.

Ellie inwardly groaned and managed to stop before slapping herself around the head. She needed to get a hold of herself. She had been there to focus on her sisters and make sure they didn’t get into trouble. The evening before hadn’t been about her and finding someone for herself. Knowing her luck, he was probably married, or close to it. A man that good-looking wouldn’t be available for long.

“Lady Eleanora?”

Ellie jumped. Hannah was standing before her, giving her a strange look.


“You’re dressed, and there’s no sight of the charcoal. You can go and join your family now.”

“Oh. Right.” Ellie cleared her throat. “Thank you, Hannah.”

She left the room in a daze, trying to remember how to walk properly as she reached the stairs. The last thing Ellie needed was to fall down the stairs because she was thinking about a stranger with a nice smile.

Maybe the evening was a partial success for her as well if she had found someone who was enough to make her almost swoon at the first interaction. Although Ellie didn’t think it would stay a success for much longer once she found out who he was. It would be embarrassing if she found out that he was not available.

Don’t think about him. Focus on Regina and Dorothea. They have more of a chance of finding a husband and getting married than you do.

Great. Even my conscience has more confidence in others than me.

Emma, Regina, and Dorothea were in the dining room as Ellie entered. Emma looked up from her letters and peered at her.

“Morning, Ellie. Did you struggle to wake up this morning?”

“I… you could say that.” Ellie didn’t look at her sisters as she sat down. “I guess I’m still recovering from the journey.”

“I suppose that’s it.” Emma arched an eyebrow at Dorothea. “These two keep yawning. It’s like you three didn’t sleep at all last night.”

Regina made a noise that could have been a giggle. Ellie didn’t look up as her breakfast plate was put in front of her. The smell of the food was wonderful, but her stomach didn’t feel hungry. Picking up a fork, Ellie pushed the food around, hoping that her appetite came back shortly.

“I was told we were going out this morning?” she asked as she reached for her glass of water. “Is that all we’ve got today, Emma?”

“Not quite. We do have the afternoon tea invitation with my friend Lady Flora Van Dyke. She’s visiting from Amsterdam, and she would love to meet the three of you.” Emma put her letters to one side and picked up her coffee cup. “And I’ve arranged for the three of you to go to Lord Cliveton-Smythe’s house for dinner. He’s hosting tonight, and when I mentioned that the three of you were going to be in London, he wanted to meet you.”

Ellie held back a sigh. It sounded like they were going to be incredibly busy today. And all she wanted to do was to go back to bed and sleep.

Regina picked up her napkin and dabbed her lips with it. “Who is Lord Cliveton-Smythe? His name sounds familiar.”

“He’s the old headmaster of your father’s school. I’m sure your father has spoken about him quite a bit. He does hold Cliveton-Smythe in high regard.”

“What?” Regina’s mouth dropped open. “Are you saying he’s still alive?”

Emma shook her head. “Honestly, Regina, people do live after the age of sixty. He may be eighty years old, but he’s more spritely than I am.”

Regina grunted. “After meeting Lady Mansford, I’m beginning to realise that. He’s not as mean and cantankerous, is he?”

“Of course not. Probably one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.”

Dorothea looked unsure. “And he wants to meet us.”

“Yes. He says he’s ended up with an uneven amount of guests, so you three turning up will level out the table.”