“You’re not looking for any… fun yourself?”

“At my age?” She shook her head. “I think it’s past my time. I’m content with being a spinster watching over my sisters.”

Derrick almost burst out laughing. She was far from being a spinster. If he had to guess, she was younger than him. Probably on the older side of being an ideal woman for someone, but still young enough. So why was she walking around dressed up in such a frumpy gown and pretending to be far older?

He was tempted to call her out about it, but there had to be a reason. Maybe they were here as frauds? Derrick didn’t have the heart to bring anyone’s attention to it; it didn’t seem to have been discovered by the rest of the guests.

“So, Miss…”

“Drummond. And it’s Lady Drummond.”

“Forgive me, Lady Drummond. How are you finding the evening?”

Lady Drummond wrinkled her nose.

“It’s fine, for what it is. But it’s a bit too crowded for my liking. If it was a small soiree or a garden party, I might feel less… uncomfortable.”

“You prefer smaller gatherings, then?”

“Fewer people to stare at you, if you know what I mean.” Lady Drummond watched her sisters across the room. “Regina and Dorothea don’t seem to mind, and I’m relieved about that. I just wish I had their confidence.”

Derrick smiled. “I’m sure you’re not as shy as you think. It doesn’t take much.”

“Are you sure about that?”

He was about to respond when he heard Randall’s voice. He turned and saw his friend walking towards him with two young ladies holding onto his arms, both petite and dark-haired. One glance told him that Randall had managed to find a set of twins. Typical that he would snag twins.

“Come and join us, North. Doris and Dora want to go for a walk outside as it’s getting too warm in here.” Randall winked. “Care to join us?”

Derrick was tempted to say no, that he had found someone interesting to talk to. But when he looked at Lady Drummond, she simply gave him a smile and nodded towards Randall.

“I think you’re wanted, sir.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Why would I mind? I’m not here for people to talk to, after all.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

“I’m afraid it is.” She curtsied and turned away. “Good evening.”

Derrick could stop her from walking away. She was a smooth, comfortable stride that naturally swayed her hips. He couldn’t take his eyes off her rear end as it moved. Her dress may have been frumpy, but it did nothing to hide the curves. Derrick was unable to look away.


He jumped when a hand waved in front of his face. He spun around, seeing Randall watching him curiously. The twins were giggling. Realising that he had been caught, Derrick felt his face getting warm. He cleared his throat and straightened his jacket.

“My apologies. You were saying? A walk outside? Sounds like a good idea.”

He needed to get into the fresh air to clear his head after an encounter with the intriguing Lady Drummond.


Ellie was exhausted the next morning. It took a while for her to wake up, wanting to curl further into the blankets and hide away from the daylight. But Hannah had opened the curtains very loudly and briskly, streaming sunlight into the room.

She didn’t move. She just shut her eyes tighter as Hannah went about her duties. After a while, Ellie thought her maid had disappeared again and cracked an eye open, only to squeal as she saw Hannah leaning over her.
