“Why do I get the feeling you’re enjoying this, Hannah?”

Hannah’s eyes twinkled as she gave her mistress a sly smile. “Well, it is quite exciting that you’re doing something so daring. And I’m glad I can have a hand in it.”

Ellie grunted. “Anyone else would think you are incredibly bored if you’re getting this excited.”

“It’s different. If you and your sisters manage this without getting caught…” Hannah delicately drew the charcoal stick across Ellie’s skin by her eye. “Don’t worry, nobody’s going to say anything. Except maybe Mrs Michaelson, but she’s not here tonight. As long as she doesn’t find out, your secret is safe.”

Ellie hoped that was the case. She didn’t want to get scolded by her great-aunt for doing something stupid.

Hannah was still applying the charcoal to her face when Regina and Dorothea came in, both dressed in their best ballgowns with their hair delicately curled. Regina burst out laughing when she saw Ellie.

“That looks perfect on you, Ellie! You will certainly look handsome when you’re older.”

Ellie rolled her eyes. “Enough, Regina. Are you two ready?”

“We’re ready. Chalmers said the carriage will be ready in a few minutes, but he warned that we shouldn’t stay out for too long.” Regina indicated the clock. “It’s seven now. We need to be back by eleven, at the very latest, so Emma doesn’t suspect anything.”

“I’m really surprised that he’s going along with it,” Dorothea said. “He’s a soft old thing, but I didn’t expect him to agree to this.”

Hannah laughed. “Chalmers just has a soft spot for everyone. He’s been like that since he became a grandfather.” She straightened up and stepped back. “There. Have a look. What do you think?”

Ellie did look, and she found herself staring. She barely recognised the person staring back. It was like she had aged ten years, the charcoal marking out lines on her face around her mouth and eyes, a little bit rubbed under her eyes to make her look tired. She certainly looked older, but it wasn’t over the top. Unless someone came up really close, nobody would be able to tell the difference.

“Oh, that looks great!” Regina came to stand behind her sister, grinning as she rested her hands on Ellie’s shoulders. “You still look really pretty, but softer.”

“If I look like this when I reach forty, I’ll be happy.” Ellie gave Hannah a smile. “Thank you, Hannah.”

“It’s fine, my lady.” Hannah beamed. “Anything to help.”

“Will you get my room ready and make sure Emma doesn’t look in when she gets back?”

“Don’t worry about that. Lady Mansford will keep her out until midnight, at the very earliest. She’ll be too tired to check on anyone else.”

Dorothea frowned. “Why does Emma allow this? She’s stronger than this.”

“You spent an evening in the presence of that woman. It’s easier to go along with it. Besides, I’m sure Lady Mansford will drop dead soon.”

Ellie gasped. “Hannah! That’s not how you should talk about your mistress’s family!”

“Forgive me. But everyone is thinking it.” Hannah crouched by Ellie’s art case and put the charcoal away. “Although I’m sure she’s going to live forever, given how stubborn she is.”

“At least she knows her own mind,” Regina said.

Ellie liked Hannah, but they were getting a little too familiar with her. And even though she didn’t care for Lady Mansford either, she didn’t want to speak ill of her too much. She stood up and smoothed her hands down her dress.

“Well, I think we’re ready. Shall we go?”

“Come in by the side door when you come back,” Hannah said as the three sisters went to the door. “Just in case Mrs Michaelson comes back and locks up. You can go up the back stairs.”

“She would lock up even with her mistress out?” Regina asked.

“She’ll stay up until Lady Mansford returns, but there will be questions if you come back when you’re supposed to be in your rooms.”

“We’ll do that instead,” Ellie cut in before Regina could respond. She took her sister’s arm. “Shall we? You’re the one who wanted to go, after all.”

She could only hope that this worked. If it didn’t, they would have squandered their opportunities, and their father would be disappointed.

Ellie didn’t want that.