Page 9 of Collide

Mason doesn’t move, his eyes trying to read mine. I know he’s wondering what’s up with my feelings towards his girlfriend. Maybe if he paid closer attention, he’d realize.

“Later, man.” I say and he nods. It’s our customary goodbye, our inside language that we’ll fill each other in later. A double meaning so to speak- a goodbye and a talk later all rolled into one. He knows my words flow easier when it’s him and I. He knows I can’t stand talking about personal shit in public. Or arguing.

And sure, we might argue, but that’s how we are. We don’t lie or sugarcoat shit.

So later that evening when I’m chilling in our dorm room, and Mason has yet to arrive, I wonder if he’s upset with me.

Over the course of our friendship, I can count on one hand the number of fights we’ve had. Sure disagreements happen all the time, but when it’s someone you talk to everyday, the fights never seem worth all the disruption they cause.

It’s hard finding people you can trust, and even harder to keep them around.

The buzzer in our apartment goes off. I’m not expecting anyone besides Mason which makes me wonder if he forgot his keys again.

I press the intercom, “Sup?”

“Ash, it’s me. Buzz me in, please.”


Her voice sounds desperate, and a little panicked almost. I don’t reply and hit the buzzer. She’s knocking on my door two seconds later, our place not far from the entrance.

She swoops inside like a woman on a mission as soon as I crack the door open.

Her bag drops to the floor and she flips her hair over, gathering it into her famous messy bun that sits atop her head. “I need your help.” Her words are breathless as she straightens herself.

“My help? With what?”

“My classes. Please. I won’t pass without some help.”

“What you need to do is drop some classes.” I walk further into the room and over to our mini fridge. I grab a bottle of water and offer her one too.

“You know I can’t.”

“But you can. Did your advisor suggest a new schedule?”

Madison’s eyes shift away from mine and she gulps water. I can see through her diversion tactics better than her brother can.

“That means yes.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do.” I grin.

She laughs and pushes my shoulder. “Ash! Come on, be serious, help me.”

“I am being serious, Mads. Drop some classes, use your advisor’s new schedule, and I’ll help you get organized.”

Madison watches me with an amused expression on her face. “I love it when you say more than two words.” She reaches out and I just know she’s gonna squeeze my cheek, like she always has when I say more than she expects me to.

This time, I grab her wrist before she has the chance. As soon as my fingers touch her skin, it’s as if a lit match sets off a fire up my arm.

We both freeze.

I keep a hold of her wrist as our eyes lock together.

What the hell am I doing?

A split second passes before I realize I’m still holding on to her. I drop her arm and step back, breaking our eye contact and shaking my head in an attempt to clear it.