“Probably not. She might be at it for a while, maybe all day, and some cats cry throughout it, so don’t worry unless she starts screaming.”

“How will I–“

“Believe me, you’ll know,” Pearl said with the grim assurance of someone who had been doing animal rescue since she was a teen.

“Okay, what else?”

Nik went into the pantry, coming back with a stack of possibilities. She shook her head to an old baking sheet and a too-small plastic box, but then he held up a dust-covered disposable roasting pan with a questioning look.

She gave him a thumbs-up and he shook the roasting pan over his head with a silent roar of triumph. Stifling a laugh, Deanna tucked her phone against her chin to mime applause as Pearl continued.

“Honestly, that’s about it. Keep her warm, keep her fed and watered, and she’ll probably take care of everything on her own. If you don’t have cat food, canned tuna or even ground meat is okay, temporarily.”

Pearl paused, and when she spoke again, there was a kind of urgency to her voice.

“Do you think it’s going to be sunny on Thursday?”

Nik shrugged into his coat, heading outside, and Deanna blinked.

“Why would it–oh! Pearl! God, yes, I believe it might rain instead.I’m fine!”

“Well you were the one who came up with the safety phrase after I got stranded when I met Cassidy! You almost called the National Guard after us!”

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me. Seriously. I appreciate the concern, and I’m glad you remembered. Only.”


Cassidy was the wolf shifter in the couple, but it was impossible not to imagine Pearl’s ears pricking up, all her older cousin instincts on high alert.

“Only we sort of locked eyes when I showed up with stew and a pregnant cat, and he was shirtless, and I had no idea what was–and... and he’s my true mate.”

The Madsens must have been rubbing off on Pearl because the sound she made was a distinctly wolfy yelp, followed by the familiar delighted laughter that Deanna had grown up with.

“Oh my God! Cassidy’s been trying to see if he can get you two together for–oh wow, that’s incredible, honey!”

Pearl had a few excited words with Cassidy while Deanna took several deep breaths. This was real to her cousin, to her husband’s family. There was no hesitation, no doubt at all in Pearl’s voice, nothing but joy, and when Pearl came back on the line, Deanna felt strangely calmer.

“So this true mates thing,” she said quietly to Pearl. “It’s real?”

“Real as taxes but a lot more fun,” said Pearl. “Also weird. Also there’s no way for you to be prepared for it, or at least that’s what I’ve gathered.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“No, seriously! I’ve thought back a few times over what I could say about me and Cassidy getting together and what might have helped, and every time, I’ve come up with absolutely nothing.”

“Nothing at all?”

“It’s a pretty weird topic! All shifters have a true mate, you’re Nik’s and at the same time, he’s yours.”

Pearl’s voice gentled.

“It’s going to be fine, sweetheart. It really will be. Your life just got a little more complicated and a whole lot more fun, I promise. Wait, here’s Cass, Cass wants to talk with you.”

A quick fumbling sound, and then Pearl’s husband came on.

“Heya Dee. Congratulations!”

It startled a laugh out of her.