"Is that why you’re moping?" Solene tips down her chin.

"I’m not moping."

"You refused to come out and meet any of us on New Year’s Eve."

"I was busy." I fold my arms across my chest.

She firms her lips. "How many New Year’s Eves have you spent on your own at home before this?"

This was the first one. It really is not like me to be a shrinking violet. To prefer my own company to that of my friends, or indeed, a roomful of strangers I could socialize with. But I’ve been feeling so tired and under the weather, nothing has felt as good as watching the News at ten on BBC, then crawling into bed. On my own. Jeez, am I growing old before my time? My face falls.

Solene’s features soften. "Didn’t say that to make you feel bad. It’s just that you have dark circles under your eyes. Also, I think maybe you’ve lost weight."

"Gee thanks," I drawl.

"Solene’s right." Isla’s gaze narrows on my face. "You do look a little peaked. Are you coming down with something?"

"I’m fine." I bring my cup of coffee to my mouth and my stomach churns. Ugh, nothing worse than coffee gone lukewarm. I pivot, head back to my table and place the coffee on it.

"So, when do I see the two of you again?"

"I'll be in London in a few weeks. Liam’s board meeting is coming up, and he needs to be there. Also, I have a few new wedding planning clients I’d like to meet in person." The scene behind Isla changes. She climbs up the stairs at the mansion on the island she and Liam now call home.

"I’ll try to stop over on my days off between gigs," Solene chimes in.

My phone buzzes again with an incoming call. I recognize the caller ID and frown. "Can’t wait to see the both of you. So sorry guys, I have a call coming which I can’t not take."

"See you soon."

"Can’t wait."

Both women disconnect. I switch to the other call. "Lord Alan?"

"Zara my dear, how are you this very fine morning?" His familiar voice reverberates over the phone.

"I am well, sir, and you?"

"Never been better." There’s a pause, then, "Remember our last call? I now have more details regarding the project I spoke to you about. I assume you’re up for it?"



"So, you’re launching your campaign bid?" Sinclair leans back in his chair.

"I am," I confirm.

"About fucking time." JJ Kane smacks the table in front of him.

"The question I have is, why did it take you so long to make up your mind?" Michael places his fingertips together. This is the first I’m seeing him since Karma’s delivery. He’s spent the last few months at home with her and the new baby. Given Karma’s delicate health and the baby being born prematurely, he was, understandably, very stressed about them, but both mother and child are doing well, which is why he agreed to meet the three of us for a meeting at my office.

"Politics is all about timing and" —I glance about their faces— "about who you have in your corner."

"And other than the three of us, I assume there’s one more person who’s support you need to put your best foot forward?" Sinclair drawls.

I lean back on my heels. "You could say that."

"And does this ace up your sleeve happen to be the shrewdest fixer this side of the pond?" Michael smirks.