This is what happens when orgasms addle your brain. You can’t think straight. Not that it seems to have affected the day-to-day life of the jerkhole. He’s been in the news almost every week, spotted at openings and galas, each time, with a new woman on his arm. And he hasn’t called me. Not once. Nor texted. But neither have I.

"It must have been some weekend break with him. The sex must have been phenomenal."

I flush. Her jaw drops. "OMG, did you just blush, Zara?"

"So what?" I flip my hair over my shoulder, trying to school my features into an expression which I hope is casual.

"So what? I’ve never seen you blush.”

"I blush."Especially when I’m in the presence of the poshhole.

"Not when it comes to talking about sex, you don’t."

I raise a shoulder. "Yeah, so I have a liberated view about sex, in general.”

"And a rather low opinion of men, in particular," she points out.

"I did—" I admit.

"So, not anymore?"

"I mean, I still do," I say hastily.

"Umm, I think not." She chuckles.

"Can we change the topic?" I scowl.

"No way. In fact, I’m going to dial in Isla."

"No, wait! Don’t. What are you—"

My screen changes view, and a third window pops up with Isla’s eager face. "What’s happening? What did I miss?"

"Hello to you, too. I assume you are finally back from honeymoon number five?" I ask in a droll tone.

"It was our sixth, actually. Although, since we decided to move to the island, every day with Liam feels like a honeymoon," she says in a dreamy voice.

Solene and I exchange glances. It’s almost funny how much Isla is in love with her husband. Truth is, he seems just as crazy about her. And the few times I’ve seen them since they got married, they couldn’t keep their hands and their gazes off of each other.

"Anyhoo” —Isla beams at both of us— ”I didn’t jump on the call to talk about myself. Tell us about your latest man."

I look down my nose at her. "Why does it have to be about my man?"

"Because I’m married, and Solene is, more or less, in a relationship." Isla’s referring to Solene dating Hollywood heartthrob Declan Beauchamp.

"I’m not," Solene butts in.

"Okay, so she’s not, at the moment, but given we know their ups and downs last until one of them misses the other and they get back together—"

"Or not," Solene chimes in again.

"Or not, which I don’t believe for a moment. Either way, it’s not as if she’s interested in anyone else. You though" —Isla’s smile grows broader— "you are Zara Chopra, Ms. Shark herself—"

"I’m a tough negotiator." I shrug off the title the media seems to have thrust upon me.

"Indeed. And you are not easy to please. So, if you have a new man in your life—"

"I don’t," I snap.