What the fuck? How did the paparazzi know I was here? Not that I’m trying to hide my movements, but it’s not like I broadcasted to the world that I’d be here today. Perhaps, someone spotted me entering earlier?

My security detail brackets us in, one to my right and another on the other side of Zara.

"This way," David, one of my bodyguards says, and leads us through the throng of news people. One of the paps steps in our path and aims his camera in our faces. I reach out to cover the lens. "No photos."

"How about a comment then?" He lowers his camera. "Are you two dating?"

"Ian, isn’t it?" I smile and hold out my hand. "How are you today?"

Ian hesitates, then takes my hand. "You still haven’t answered the question. Is she your girlfriend?"

"She is a...friend."

"Was that a hesitation I sensed there?" Ian’s gaze narrows.

"Have I ever lied to you before?"

He slowly shakes his head.

"We are here to see a mutual friend, and you caught us leaving together."

"Hmm." He doesn’t look convinced.

"When I do have a girlfriend, if I ever have a girlfriend, I’ll be sure to let you know."

He releases my hand. "I’ll hold you to that."

I nod, then brush past him and reach for Zara’s hand, both to guide her forward, and because I want to protect her from the pack, but she shakes it off. She flounces past me, a smile pasted firmly on her features. Her gaze is calm, certainly calmer than what I’m feeling now.

We reach my car, and I hold my door open.

"I am not leaving in the same car as you."

"Get in, Zara."

"They’re still watching us," she hisses.

"And I’m giving my 'friend' a lift."

"I have my own car."

"David will follow us with it."

She scowls. I glare at her. "Fire, do this, please."

Maybe it’s because I say please, or because she can’t wait to get out of there, but she pulls out her key fob and slaps it into my outstretched hand. I hand it over to David. She slides inside the car, and I follow her. One of my security detail gets in the front seat next to the driver and we’re off.

"We’ll drop Ms. Chopra off at her apartment first."

My chauffeur nods, and I raise the barrier between the front and back seats.

She arches an eyebrow. "Fancy."

"Have I impressed the hard-nosed Ms. Chopra?"

She raises a shoulder. "Never seen a Range Rover with one of these." She nods toward the now raised divider.

"It’s custom built."