I swing my arm out and slam the stop button. The elevator jerks to a stop.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

She reaches for the control panel, but I grab her shoulders and push her up and into the wall of the cage. Her jaw drops. "Have you lost it completely?"

"Would you blame me if I had?” I flatten my palm on the wall next to her face. “Do you have any idea what being in close proximity to you does to me, Zara? Do you know just how much I need to feel my skin against yours, my lips on yours, my breath mingling with yours, my hands cupping, squeezing, kneading your curves as I bury myself in your hot, tight pussy?”

Color flushes her cheeks. Her chest rises and falls. She opens her mouth, then raises her gaze over my shoulder and at the camera in the far corner of the cage.

"It’s not working."

"Eh?” She swivels her head in my direction. “How do you know that?"

"I have my means," I assure her.

Her gaze widens. “You mean to tell me that you knew how to get to that camera, in this lift, at precisely the time we are here and ensure the camera is out of order?”

I thrust out my chest, hold her gaze.

She draws in a sharp breath. "So this is how you use your power—”

“—And my connections.”Thank you Michael.

“—To make sure you get what you want?"

"Only when it comes to you." I glance between her eyes. "I’d use any means possible to make you see the fallacy of your ways."

"And that includes accepting help from the Mafia to shut off the camera in this lift?" she snaps.

Very good. She’s smarter than I gave her credit for, but a part of me already knew that. She and I, together? We’d be unbeatable. But first, I need to tame my Fire. Not that fire can be tamed; contained maybe, temporarily. And I certainly don’t want to douse my Fire, but won’t that battle of wills be thrilling? A flush of anticipation pulses through my veins. My balls tighten. I widen my stance to accommodate the column that throbs between my legs, then incline my head. "If needed."

She seems taken aback, then squares her shoulders. "While I have to credit you on your ingenuity, I must warn you, you’ll never succeed in changing my mind."

"Is that a challenge, Fire?"

"It’s reality, Hunter." She tips up her chin. "Your background gives you the confidence to walk on the morally gray side, with the blind faith that you’ll get away with it, knowing that you are risking your career… And for what?"

"For you."

Her gaze widens. She reads my features, and she must see something there that gets the message home. She swallows. "Hunter, don’t make this more difficult for both of us."

“It’s very simple, Zara. We’ll be good together—more than good, we’ll have the kind of sex that comes along once in a lifetime—and you know it.”

“Excuse me, are you hearing yourself?”

“Are you, Fire?” I search her features.

"I’m not sleeping with you, Hunter." She firms her lips.

"You will.”

A shudder grips her shoulders, and her pupils dilate. Oh, she feels the certainty that has every part of me thrall. She senses the truth in my words. Her subconscious does, even if her rational mind is unwilling to accept it.

She tips up her chin. "No." The pulse at the base of her throat beats faster.

"Yes," I murmur.

She leans her head back against the wall of the elevator car. "Not sure what you’re high on—”