Abby laughs. Then peeks down at the little bundle in my arms. "He’s sooo small."

"He didn’t feel that small when I pushed him out of my va—a—ah—ina. You know what I mean?"

"Jesus, that’s too much information," a new voice declares.

I glance up to see my brother inside the doorway. His familiar features wear an unfamiliar, uncomfortable expression.

"You’re perfectly aware of how the birthing process takes place," I scold him.

"Yes, but so far, births and anything to do with them have only been a concept. Just like the fact you’re a mother now is something I’m still getting my head around."

He walks over to stand on the side of the bed opposite Abby. In his hands, he’s holding one pink and one blue balloon, which say ‘baby boy’ and ‘baby girl,’ respectively.

"Covering all my bases," he explains to me, then glances down at the baby. "Wow, you really are a mom."

"And you’re an uncle."

Cade’s face lights up. He thrusts out his chest, pulls back his shoulders, and folds his arms across his chest. "I can’t wait to teach him how to play cricket."

"Would you like to hold him first?"

Cade looks alarmed. "Me?"

"Yes, you."

"Umm. He’s too fragile. Maybe when he’s a little older?" Then he takes a step back to punctuate his words. The balloons flutter above him. "I guess I should tie these somewhere?" He pivots and crosses the room to one of the chairs, then ties them to the back. Apparently, it’s going to take my brother a little longer to be completely comfortable with the idea of holding his nephew.

"Oh, now I realize what’s wrong, the pink says baby boy," Abby explains.

"I’m aware." Cade spins around, then walks back to take his place on the side of the bed opposite her; this time, putting more distance between the bed and himself.

"Shouldn’t it… I mean… Shouldn’t it be the other way around…?" Abby chews on her lower lip, and I notice my brother’s shoulders tense. His gaze is fixed on her mouth, and there’s a look of something I can only define as lust in his eyes. Talk about TMI.

I clear my throat, and my brother seems to snap out of his reverie.

"Who am I coming to visit, hmm?" He addresses his question to Abby.

"You’re coming to visit Zara." She frowns.

"Who is…?"

"Your sister?" she replies hesitantly.


"Uh, she’s very much a feminist, a strong woman, ah—" Her brow clears. "I get it now. You were making a statement that you knew she’d approve of."

My brother smirks. "You’re smarter than you look."

Abby’s lips firms. "And you’re not as dumb as you look, either."

My brother blinks. "Dumb? Did you just call me dumb?"

"You know what they say, when you have a good-looking face, chances are good, there’s nothing between the ears."

Cade’s jaw hangs open, then he chuckles. "Very good."

"You talk as if you didn’t think I could hold my own in a conversation." Abby huffs.