“I can’t believe they did this,” she says finally.

“I guess I owe Weston one.” I allow my lips to curve.

Ralph clears his throat.

I stiffen, then turn my gaze on him. "Once you’re done checking our cars, could you wait outside?”

"Of course, sir; ma’am." He walks out the front door, and Zara punches my arm.

"The hell is wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?" I strive for what I hope is an innocent tone.

She stomps around to stand toe-to-toe with me. "You were acting like a Neanderthal. You planted your ugly arse—"

"Didn’t hear you calling it that when you had your fingers squeezing down on that part of my body last night," I murmur.

"—in between us. You forced that man back. You didn’t let him see my face while I spoke to him."

"Trust me, if I could control myself around you, I would, but apparently, I’m not ready to allow the outside world to look at you."

"Deal with it." She throws up her hands. "Have you heard yourself? You sound deranged. Like an over-the-top, overprotective, dominant, possessive, wankhead."

"All true, except that last descriptor. Not sure I agree with that."

"This is no laughing matter, Hunter."

"Do you see me laughing?"

She glowers at me. "You’re smirking; that’s close enough."

"Fine, I accept maybe my behavior was a little extreme." I raise a shoulder.

"A little extreme?" She snaps her shoulders back. "And you told him we were having a discussion. A discussion!"

"Isn’t that what we’re having now?" I incline my head.

"This is not a discussion. This is our—"

"First argument as a couple?’

"We’re not a couple."

"Strange, that’s not what it seemed like to me last night."

"One night—okay, two nights of sex, no matter how mind-blowing, how out of this world, orgasmic, how—"

"So, you admit it was mind-blowing and out of this world?" I ask.

"Of course, it was, you numbskull. And you don’t need me to confirm that to you, and oh, you keep interrupting me." She tucks her elbows into her sides. "Hunter, what are we doing?"

"We" —I place my hands on her shoulders— "are going to leave here, have breakfast somewhere nice, and then drive back to London."



I glance down at the stack of pancakes on my plate, then toward his plate, which holds a pile of waffles dripping with syrup and ice cream on top.