Page 68 of The Proposal

"What’s that?"

"Our transport."



"Our transport?" She gapes at me. "We’re leaving the island?"

"Just for a few nights."

"But why? Isn’t this island secluded enough for you?"

"In case you haven’t noticed, it’s currently overrun by most of our friends and family."

"They’ll be leaving soon."

"Not for the next few days."

"So? The place is big enough for all of us."

"Not big enough for when you’ll be screaming my name so loudly everyone within a mile will be able to hear you."

She grows still in my arms. I glance down to find her features flushed. "I… I can’t believe you’d make that decision without consulting me."

"Why? Don’t you want to come with me?" I step onto the jetty and begin to walk toward the motorboat parked by the steps.

"No, I definitely do not." She begins to struggle in my grasp, but I hold her tightly.

"Stop that, people are still watching us."

"I don’t care. Let me go, Liam," she cries.


"Let me the hell go. You had no right to make this decision on my behalf."

"It was supposed to be a surprise."

"I can’t leave without my things. My clothes, my supplements, my—"

"Zara helped me pack everything."

"What?" She stiffens. "When?"

"Right after the ceremony when we were greeting everyone else."

"Oh," she subsides.

"I know how important it is for you to have your things with you. I’ll always make sure that you have everything you need. When you’re with me, you’ll never want for anything, Isla."

She glances away. I sense the emotions coursing through her body. Worry, anxiety, and the remnants of her anger vibrate off of her. She’s trembling so much, I pull her closer. "Shh." I tighten my grasp even more around her. "It’s okay. You can trust me, LadyBird."

"I know, I should. There’s no reason not to." She swallows and seems to get a hold of herself. "It’s just… I’ve held this part of myself so closely, it’s difficult for me to let go of it, you know?"

I nod.

"I know how difficult it must have been for you to share what you did last night. And I wish I could do the same with you. But I need more time."