Page 48 of The Proposal

"My husband was happy for us to take his jet. After all, what’s the point of having your own private mode of transportation if it isn’t to be there for a friend?" Summer adds.

Isla keeps her gaze averted. So, it’s going to be like that, is it? She’s going to pretend nothing happened last night? We’ll see.

"Of course." I flash them a smile. "Whatever my fiancée wants is fine by me."

Zara’s eyebrows rise. Summer suppresses a smile. The woman who looks faintly familiar rises to her feet. "We haven’t met, but I’m Solene Sabatini."

"Oh, sorry, I should have introduced the two of you," Isla says, looking at a point somewhere beyond my shoulder. "This is Solene. Not only did her last single top the Spotify charts, but she’s also approached me to help plan her upcoming wedding to Declan. And we’ve become good friends. I hope you don’t mind that I invited her along with Zara and Summer. You know how it is. A woman needs her friends around her when she’s about to tie the knot. Moral courage and all that." She gives a fake laugh.

My insides clench. Is marrying me such a repulsive thought that she needs her friends here in her corner. Doesn’t she realize I’m in her corner, too? Haven’t I tried to show her that I’ll do anything to accommodate her wishes?You’re still tying her to the contract and to keeping her end of the deal.Which is the right thing to do. After all, that’s the reason we’re both here, isn’t it?

I walk over to take the seat next to her, then drop a kiss on her forehead. "Of course, darling, whatever you need."

Isla’s shoulders stiffen further. A ripple of surprise runs around the table. The women glance at me, then at Isla who, in turn, plates out the pancakes. "Dig in, ladies."

"I see you found the ingredients for your vegan pancakes."

"I did, thank you for ensuring the kitchen was stocked with all the necessities," she says stiffly.

My lips tighten. Why am I acting like a wanker and belaboring the point that I made sure to cater to her tastes? I blow out a breath. "Sorry, didn’t mean to act like a dick," I murmur.

"If it talks like one, and walks like one—" She raises her shoulder.

I scowl.

"You weren’t complaining about it when I was inside you yesterday."

"Good thing you didn’t fuck me where it counted."

Anger slices through my chest.

I rise to my feet and grab her arm. "Would you ladies excuse us for one second?"

"Wait, what—?" Isla protests.

"I need to talk to you."


I glare at her. She pales. Then, to my relief, she rises to her feet. I pull her out of the kitchen and on to the deck, making sure to shut the doors behind us.

She tugs, and I release her arm.

"What the hell are you doing?" she hisses.

"What the hell areyoudoing?" I lean forward on the balls of my feet. "If you think you’re going to get away with acting like we don’t mean anything to each other—"

"We don’t." She tips up her chin.

"Last night—"

"Meant nothing," she bursts out.

"—Meant everything to me," I say at the same time.

She twists her lips. "Don’t lie. You planned the whole thing last night. You softened me up and wooed me. You capitalized on the chemistry between us. You hoped it would lead up to giving you a chance to fuck me."

I hesitate.