Page 33 of One Kind Night

“It’s a story best told with tea.” Isabel nudged Charlie toward the kitchen.

“Tea with whiskey in it,” Grandpa joked as he accepted a kiss hello on the cheek from Charlie.

“Shush,” Isabel said. “You’re getting lemon in yours and that’s it.”

Grandpa made a sad face, but he couldn’t hold it for long. “Charlie, you should stay here tonight. You girls can have a slumber party like you did when you were little.”

Charlie looked at Isabel. “I do have my bag still in the car. I didn’t go to my place after landing back in Vermont. I came straight here to see you.”

Isabel clapped and jumped up and down. “Go get that bag then! A slumber party with you is exactly what I need right now.” She squinted at Grandpa, making sure he understood Charlie time was more necessary than Jackson time.

He just grinned at her.

“Oh, boy.” Charlie rubbed her forehead. “The story you need to tell me is slumber party-worthy?”

“Totally and I need your advice too.” If anyone could help Isabel decide what to do about Jackson, it was her best friend.

Charlie headed for the front door. “I’m going to definitely require whiskey in my tea then.” She stepped outside and returned a few minutes later with her bag and another treat for Blaze.

Isabel set Grandpa up with his tea, checking that he didn’t want any food or anything else. After raiding the pantry closet for snacks, including a bag of popcorn, dark chocolate candies, and some peanuts, she grabbed Charlie and hustled her off to the small bedroom she was using. Blaze followed and after giving him a boost, he curled up on the bed to supervise the slumber party.

“I would have gotten better snacks if I knew you were coming over tonight,” Isabel said, handing a full tea cup to Charlie. “This one does have some whiskey in it. Mine doesn’t because I had two Blue Monday cocktails today already.”

Charlie lowered to the floor, resting her back against the bed. “And where did you have cocktails?”

Isabel sat across from her bestie with her legs crossed. “So I went to a party...”

She unloaded the day’s events, plus last night’s, and by the time she was done, Charlie blinked at her, her eyes bugged.

“Say something.” Isabel slapped her friend’s knee.

“I’m... I’m not sure what to say.” She sipped her spiked tea. “You’ve been... busy since you got here, I guess.”

Isabel threw her head back and leaned on her arms. “I didn’t mean to immediately get tangled up with Jackson. It just happened.”

“And do you wish to be untangled?” Charlie asked.

Isabel downed a handful of peanuts and chewed thoughtfully. After she swallowed, she said, “I didn’t expect to be back here. Neither did Jackson. Violet said perhaps it meant something that we were both back at the same time.”

Charlie opened the chocolates and shook a few into her hand. “One date can’t hurt, I suppose.” She jiggled the chocolates in her palm, a frown forming on her lips. “Or specifically I should say, don’t let one date hurt, okay? I remember what you were like after Jackson left for college. I didn’t like seeing you like that, Isabel.”

“I didn’t like being like that, trust me.” Isabel drew in a deep breath and stole a chocolate from Charlie’s open hand. “So I proceed, but with caution. That’s sensible.” She popped the candy into her mouth. “Besides, he might not come asking for that date tomorrow. He might wake up and have totally forgotten that he’d asked.”

Charlie barked out a laugh that got Blaze barking too. “Honey, no guy would forget asking you on a date. Drunk or sober. Makes no difference. Nothing about you is forgettable.” She took another sip of her tea. “Now how many muscles did Jackson develop?”

Isabel’s face heated. “OMG, Charlie. Like so many.” She held her arm up and rested her fist on her own biceps. “There are these rounded mounds right here on his arms and his T-shirt sleeve hugs them.”

“I love when the T-shirt sleeve stretches over the biceps. Sigh.” Charlie put on a dreamy face. “Jackson was pretty hot in high school. Figures he only got better.”

“But, hey,” Isabel said, “so did we.”

“Damn straight, girl.” Charlie high-fived her over their snack collection.

“I actually can’t believe how wonderful everyone looks here. Every party guest today looked as if Maplehaven has been taking good care of them. Must be something in the water here.”

“Something about being born here maybe,” Charlie said. “Because you’ve been in Pennsylvania for a while, yet you still look Maplehaven fresh. And I leave town a lot. I always come back though.”

“After today,” Isabel said, “I feel as if I haven’t been gone from Vermont for as long as I actually have been. It was so easy to get right back into the rhythm with everyone at the party.”