Page 26 of One Kind Night

Jackson dug into the back pockets of his jeans, frowned, then plunged his hands into the front pockets. His face brightened when he pulled his hand out of his left front pocket and produced his keys. “Here you go.” He dangled them in front of Isabel then dropped them in her outstretched palm.

“Thank you.” She glanced around the yard and found Nicole over by the birthday throne as she untied balloons. “Let’s say goodbye to your family.”

He followed beside her without any comment, but every now and then his elbow brushed up against her arm and it felt as if someone had zapped her with a live wire every single time. How could one afternoon at a birthday party she didn’t want to be at have completely stirred up the feelings for Jackson she’d worked so hard to bury? Feelings she’d had to pack away so she could move on with her life as he had when he’d left for college ahead of schedule.

Thinking about him telling her that college news woke her up a bit. Yes, she’d had an extremely nice time today, but that didn’t entirely erase how Jackson had totally broken her heart when he’d gone to college without her. He’d chosen his career dreams over her.

She’d probably say no to that date if he did actually ask her again tomorrow.

Nicole turned toward them with what was essentially a bouquet of blue balloons and held it out to Jackson. “For you, Birthday Boy.”

“He’s hardly a boy,” Landon said as he took the trash bag Isabel had filled. “Officially over thirty now. You’re more than halfway to sixty.”

“But I’ll always be younger than all you jerks.” Jackson pointed to each of his brothers who had gathered around then he took the balloons from Nicole.

“Why was it we thought having Jackson back in Maplehaven was so great?” Donovan asked. “Someone refresh my memory.”

Christian caught Jackson in a headlock and Jackson swatted—with no accuracy—at his brother while the balloons bounced all over the place. “Because it’s nice to have him here to pick on. When he’s gone, I’m the youngest brother and the victim of these two older baboons.” He gestured to Donovan and Landon with one hand, easily holding on to a toasted Jackson with his other arm.

“You can’t fool us,” Tessa said as she came over with Aliza.

“Yeah,” Aliza agreed. “You all love each other and it’s not just about the teasing opportunities.”

“Don’t bring that mushiness out here,” Christian said, pretending to wipe his eye then batting one of the balloons so it bonked Jackson in the face. “It is totally about the teasing opportunities.” He released Jackson then put a steadying hand on him when it looked as if Jackson might tip over.

“I’m surprised none of you have any missing limbs,” Isabel said. “I seem to remember the four of you rigging up some contraption to launch yourselves into Brenton Lake.”

The Henley brothers roared with laughter as a unit, and Isabel couldn’t help laughing along with them.

“That was a great design!” Jackson shouted. “If only we’d had better materials.”

Christian bent in half, his hands on his knees as he laughed. “I haven’t thought about that in years!”

“Good thing we tested it with that giant teddy bear first.” Landon held his stomach as he laughed pretty hard too.

Donovan clapped Landon on the back, wiping tears from his eyes. “Shit. That teddy bear landed right on the rocks.”

“Scared the hell out of everyone who had been sitting at that end of the lake,” Jackson said with a snort. “Our device didn’t have the accuracy I’d hoped to achieve. I wonder if I still have the sketches for that somewhere. I could make improvements.”

“Oh my God,” Nicole said. “Take him home, Isabel, before he talks these hooligans into doing something that permanently maims them.”

“I’m on it.” Isabel nudged Jackson away from the group. “Thanks so much. It was a fun party.”

Jackson sidestepped around Isabel, moving faster than a drunk guy should. He threw his arms around each of his brothers and their women, issuing thanks for the party.

“You guys are the greatest,” he said, giving them a wave before walking toward Isabel. “Aren’t they the greatest?”

“They really are.” She gave the group her own wave, not able to ignore how they all stood in pairs, coupled up nicely, and looking abundantly happy.

Would it be so bad to allow a date with Jackson? Just while she was in town? For a little fun?

And perhaps a physical release?

His long strides had taken him ahead of her as they walked toward his Wrangler and there was enough light in the sky to remind her about those muscles Jackson now had. His jeans also hugged that ass of his in a way that promised the naked show would be phenomenal.

“Just get him home,” she muttered to herself.

“What?” Jackson stumbled to a stop and turned to face her, the balloons taking a moment to clear out of the way so she could see his face.