Page 13 of One Kind Night

“Definitely. Your hair looks amazing and I remember it always did.”

“Thanks, honey.” Violet gestured to Blaze as she stood. “I assume this is the Australian Kelpie I got called about at the animal shelter. Haven’t seen too many of these gorgeous pups around.”

“You got called about Blaze?”

“When he was brought in here last night, his owner wasn’t known so they called me. I didn’t come for him yesterday though because Jackson said he’d take Blaze home with him until the owner could be located. He didn’t want the poor pup to be alone for the night, and I knew I could trust Jackson to take good care of him.”

Jackson had volunteered to care for Blaze? Something thawed in Isabel’s core.

When she met Violet’s gaze again, the woman was biting her bottom lip as she regarded Isabel.


“I... I wasn’t sure I should have said Jackson’s name.” Violet’s cheeks pinked.

“Oh, it’s fine,” Isabel said, though it wasn’t. “I actually ran into him last night.” She rubbed Blaze’s ear and the dog sighed. “That’s how I have Blaze back in my possession.”

“And how did that interaction go?” Violet asked, her brows raised.

“Umm... let’s say if I could get a do-over, I’d file the necessary paperwork to get one.”

“I see.” Violet gave Blaze another pat. “I think you’re in luck though. Maplehaven has a do-over clause written right into its town laws. You don’t even have to file paperwork. Find Jackson and start again.”

“That sounds easy, but...” Isabel shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“I get it. I do. You guys have a past and that always complicates things, but the fact that you’re both back in Maplehaven at the same time has to mean something.” Violet’s eyes glittered over the potential magic in the air.

There was no magic. In the air. Or anywhere else.


“I guess we’ll see.” Violet arrowed a hand toward the front desk. “I have to see about another dog that’s been here who might be ready to come to the shelter and hopefully get adopted. I imagine you’ve got lots to do over at your grandfather’s, but when you have some free time, give me a call and we’ll find some trouble to get into.”

Isabel accepted the business card Violet extended toward her. “I’d love to find some trouble. Thanks.”

“Great. Nice seeing you. I wish Blaze a speedy recovery. There’s a great dog park in town you might want to check out too. Neydi and Benny, our dogs, love it there.”

“Blaze loves other dogs so we’ll definitely give it a go when he’s feeling up to it.”

With a wave, Violet went to the front desk, leaving Isabel to ponder the fact that Jackson Henley hadn’t wanted her injured poochie to spend a night alone. She wasn’t about to let her heart go to complete mush, but she could admit—however much she did not want to—that she owed Jackson an apology.


“Isabel, you can go into Exam Room #5 and the vet will be with you in a few moments,” the assistant said.

“Great. Thanks.”

She hoisted Blaze into her arms and made her way to the exam room. Inside, she slid her pup onto the metal table, still concerned over how little Blaze protested over this vet visit and her manhandling him. What if he had an infection? What if his legs were broken and the vet had missed that last night? What if there had been instructions she hadn’t let Jackson tell her?

What if she calmed the hell down and waited patiently for the vet to tell her what was going on?

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Isabel lowered into the exam room’s only chair. The room had an antiseptic smell and the hum of a bulb in the overhead lights grated on her nerves. She needed to chill out or this time in Maplehaven would not go well. Isabel drew in several deep breaths, attempting to center herself and failing. Why was she coming so unglued? It wasn’t as if Blaze were whimpering in constant pain. He was merely lethargic, which was a perfectly normal reaction to the mini-trauma he’d endured last night.

The real problem was that this accident was one more thing that had been out of Isabel’s control. Grandpa’s heart attack had been out of her control. Delaying her career plans had been out of her control. Scott not fighting for their relationship had been out of her control.

Jackson leaving all those years ago had been out of her control.

She had to ignore all that now and press on. She had her goals clearly defined and the path ahead was ready for her as soon as her time in Maplehaven was over. She had to keep that in mind when she felt adrift. She would have what she wanted.