Page 94 of One Kind Night

“She’s the only one I’d allow this close to my fields,” Christian said.

“Why didn’t she drive?” Isabel asked.

Grandpa came to stand beside her. “Because she’s carrying some precious cargo.”


“And I swear to you, if you hurt her in any way,” Charlie said, her voice stern in Jackson’s headphones as she lowered the chopper to the right of Christian’s cornfield, “I will hold you up to my chopper blades, dickside up, and let those rotors rip, you got me?”

“Roger that.” He gave her a thumbs up as he let his other hand rest protectively over his crotch. He knew she wasn’t serious. At least he thought she wasn’t serious, but with Charlie you never knew.

“As long as we understand each other.” Charlie settled the helicopter on the ground and powered down the engine, the blades slowing their spin.

“The last thing I want to do is hurt Isabel,” he said after they’d both removed their headphones. “I know I’ve hurt her in the past.”

“More than once,” Charlie pointed out.

“More than once,” Jackson agreed. “But I will do my best to only bring Isabel happiness from this point forward.”

“See that you do.” Charlie poked him in the bicep then her face completely changed from fierce to friendly, a wide smile stretching across her mouth. “Now get out there and sweep your woman completely off her feet.” She held up a hand and Jackson high-fived her.

“Thanks for helping me get to her sooner, Charlie. I owe you.”

“That you do.” She tapped her temple. “And I won’t forget that you owe me.” She stared out the front window of the chopper for a moment. “You don’t happen to have any more hot brothers hiding somewhere, do you?”

Jackson shook his head. “Sorry. I’m fresh out of brothers, but there are a ton of nice guys in Maplehaven.”

“Maybe I’m not looking for a nice guy.” She arched an eyebrow and Jackson saw the truth of that statement.

“Right. You’d eat a nice guy for dinner then spit out his bones.”

“You got that right.” That semi-scary expression that usually resided on Charlie’s face was back.

“Well, I’ll keep an eye out for some not-nice guys for you.”

“You’re not going to find any around these parts.” She heaved in a deep sigh then slapped her palms to her thighs. “Okay, get out of my bird. I’ll be around in a few minutes.” She poked him in the arm again. “Don’t screw this up.”

Jackson saluted her and jumped out of the helicopter. He headed in the direction of the pond where Christian said he’d have the group assembled by the time he arrived. He started out walking, but knowing Isabel was nearby had him breaking into a jog, then a run.

He spilled out of the cornfield and onto the shore that rimmed the pond. As soon as she saw him, Isabel bolted toward him.


Blaze reached him first, the dog going absolutely crazy, jumping up and hitting Jackson in the stomach with his big, wet paws.

“Whoa, there.” Jackson widened his stance so the dog wouldn’t knock him over with his exuberance. “Nice to see you too, buddy.”

“You’re here!” Isabel yelled.

The moment she was in range, Jackson scooped her up into his arms and spun her around, burying his face in her neck. When he set her down, her lips were immediately on his, the kiss turning volcanic in milliseconds. He was vaguely aware of the whistling and cheering of his family behind them and Blaze’s ecstatic barking, but most of his attention was focused on how absolutely wonderful it felt to have Isabel in his arms again. They’d only been apart about a month, but as far as he was concerned, it had felt like at least a decade had passed. Sure, they’d talked on the phone, texted, and video chatted, but none of that was the same as sharing the same space with her. His work would take him away from her from time to time, but he had a plan to make sure she always knew he took a piece of her with him no matter where he was.

“What are you doing here?” Isabel asked when they finally had to break the kiss and come up for air.

“Surprising you,” he said, sneaking in another quick kiss. “Did it work?”

“Yes!” She tightened her arms around his waist. “It’s as if I wished you into existence. I wanted you here so badly.” She nestled her head under his chin, her cheek pressing against his chest just how he liked.

Jackson looked over her head at his family and Eugene all smiling back at him, hopeful expressions on their faces.