Page 73 of One Kind Night

But it was okay. If Eugene hadn’t given permission to anyone else, Ward didn’t have a plan nailed down yet. For a moment, Jackson thought perhaps he was being paranoid and maybe these people weren’t here because of his dig site.

One look at their all-weather, military-grade boots, however, told him he wasn’t off the mark about them. He had pairs exactly like them for long hours on digs. Besides, there was only one reason Ward would be here in Vermont. He was a treasure seeker like Jackson, but Ward had little respect for other people and the people he’d hired to work with him had a thirst on their faces that Jackson didn’t like.

But still, without Eugene’s permission, they were all shit out of luck.

The pair crossed the street and climbed into one of the SUVs. Jackson waited a minute, observing them and wondering if Kyle had at least succeeded in containing part of the team when they didn’t emerge from the restaurant.

The SUV navigated out of the parking lot and Jackson pulled out behind them. The more he knew about them, the more he could protect his find. He tailed the SUV through the streets of Maplehaven and then off to the dirt roads. They passed by Pine River Cottages and continued on for at least ten minutes until they turned into a clearing and Jackson spied an actual campsite command post, complete with huge tents, numerous trunks no doubt full of supplies, and more heavy machinery—including logging equipment—than he’d seen at the parking lot in town.


Ward wasn’t some small-time, underfunded archaeologist and he’d acquired an elite group of muscle. A well-stocked and no doubt determined pack of professionals most likely hired by some affluent collector. These types were known not to follow the rules. They were paid handsomely to get their hands on rare artifacts and sell them to the highest bidder. They cared little for preserving history or growing the knowledge of the past. They only cared about one thing.


They were nothing more than pirates, and with Ward as their captain now, they were here, trying to sneak onto Jackson’s dig site from the back door.

“No fucking way.” He wasn’t about to let them rob the Sadekowi tribe from getting the reverence they deserved.

Jackson made a quick U-turn and barreled back toward Pine River Cottages. When he arrived, he found Isabel coming out of the main office cottage, Blaze trotting beside her. The dog darted for him once he spotted Jackson.

“Does Eugene have the plot plans for this property somewhere handy?” he asked as she took the food from him and he bent to rub Blaze’s ears.

“Yeah. They’re in his office.” She angled her head to the cottage behind them. “Why? What’s wrong? You’re amped up right now. I thought everything was cool if we don’t give permission to those other archaeologists.” She followed him back to the main office, Blaze running ahead of them.

“I think they’re planning to dig on the property abutting this one. They could find something because I have no idea how much of this area may have evidence of the Sadekowi buried beneath the ground.”

Isabel set the food on the front desk and led him to her grandfather’s office. She pointed to the back wall where the plot plan was hanging in a frame. “We’re here.” She circled a spot on the map with her index finger. Using that same fingertip, she traced the property line. “It goes all the way to here and cuts over this way.” She tapped the right side of the plan.

Jackson stepped closer to get a better look. Once he got oriented, he pointed to the area beyond the far border. “I followed a few members of their team to here so they’re definitely not on your grandfather’s land.”

“How do we get them out of here?” Isabel asked as Blaze jumped up to rest his paws on the window sill and look outside. “This is your find.”

Her loyalty made him feel slightly better. “I’ll increase my efforts. If I can find more than small artifacts and get the article I’ve almost written out there, then I will have stamped my name on the find before they have a chance to.”

“Okay. What do you need? An excavator?”

“Why? Can you get one? They’ve already hired McCreary.”

“This is Maplehaven, Jackson. Like one in five guys has an excavator.”

“True.” Jackson nibbled on his lower lip, watching Blaze’s tail swish back and forth as he barked at something he saw outside. “I promised Eugene I wouldn’t make a mess back there.”

“It’s just moving dirt around, right?” She led him back to the front desk and picked up the food. “He’s back at his cottage. Let’s give him his pizza and catch him while he’s distracted by pepperoni.” Patting her thigh, she said, “C’mon, Blaze.”

The dog scurried from the window and followed them outside. Blaze made a beeline for Eugene’s cottage, a few more stray barks sounding as he ran.

Jackson walked beside Isabel as they headed for Eugene’s cottage as well. “Have I told you how awesome you are?”

“Not today. No.” She cupped her ear. “So go ahead and say it. I’m listening.”

Instead, he dropped a loud, sloppy kiss to her cheek. Then he whispered. “You’re awesome, Isabel Perri.”

She opened the door of her grandfather’s cottage. Blaze shot inside and immediately put his nose to the ground, sniffing around.

“Pizza’s here!” Isabel looked around the living room, but Eugene wasn’t on the couch. He wasn’t in the kitchen or in his bedroom or Isabel’s room. The bathroom was empty as well. “I’m going to strangle him. I told him to wait right here for lunch.” She pushed opened the back door to check outside and Jackson followed, but her grandfather wasn’t out there either.

“Eugene,” he called.

“Maybe a guest needed him,” Isabel said. “I’ll poke around the cottages.”

“I’ll help.” But before they could leave, Jackson spotted Blaze licking a spot of wood floor by the back door. “What’s he got over there?”

“Probably something one of us spilled.” Isabel made her way back toward the dog. “What have you got, Blaze?” She kneeled for a second then shot to her feet. “Jackson! It’s blood!”