“He’s one of the kindest, cleverest and most responsible men I’ve ever met,” Diana answered. “It seems that everyone loves Edmund."

“Mother certainly likes him.” Kitty sighed. “I think that could be another reason why she asked me to come over for the day. Are there any women in his life?”

“Well, his mother and two sisters feature prominently,” Diana deflected again, making herself smile. She enjoyed talking about Edmund even while feeding the flames of another woman’s interest in him. “But that probably isn’t what you meant.”

“No.” Kitty laughed. “I meant any… young lady of particular interest. Engagements or understandings. Have you heard him say anything to Percy perhaps?”

“I’m sure he has no engagements or formal understandings,” Diana replied with confidence, choosing not to address the first part of her cousin’s question.

Kitty was blushing happily now.

“I am glad to know that. There must be so many women running after someone like His Grace. I wouldn’t want to make a fool of myself…”

She raised her eyes cautiously to Diana again.

“I do like him, Diana, and I’m sure Mother would approve if he had any interest in me. Tell me honestly, do you think that it would be ridiculous for me to have any hopes of marrying him? I would truly value your judgement.”

Diana shook her head very slowly.

“Not ridiculous,” she managed to say. “He’s a very eligible man, isn’t he? I’m sure you’re right that Aunt Henrietta would approve. The idea has already occurred to her, I’m sure.”

“He seems so thoughtful about other people,” Kitty said dreamily. “The way he’s put his own life on hold to support Percy and you, Diana… It’s marvelous. How many other young men would do that?”

“Jacob has,” Diana pointed out fairly, remembering how Edmund’s red-haired friend had also seemed to show interest in Kitty. “He has many estimable qualities too, I believe.”

“Of course he does, but the His Grace is someone… special,” her cousin admitted. “Oh Diana, I feel as silly as a schoolgirl, but I’m sure you won’t judge me for it.”

“Not at all,” Diana assured her, knowing all too well how it felt to long for Edmund Turner, Duke of Colborne.

“Do you think you could…” Kitty began cautiously, and she took a deep breath before continuing, “Do you think you could help me to know him better? I don’t know how to begin to capture his interest, but he clearly likes you very much. I’m sure he would listen to your advice.”

“Oh, Kitty…” Diana sighed, unable to express the combination of guilt and dismay she felt at the suggestion that she bring her cousin together with the man she loved.

“With your betrothal, I suppose there’s only ever been Andrew for you, so maybe you won’t understand,” Kitty continued. “But I would dearly love the opportunity to make His Grace happy.”

“He deserves to be happy,” Diana agreed. “If anyone deserves a good woman who can return such great love as his in equal measure, it is Edmund.”

“Then you will help me?” Kitty asked eagerly.

Diana looked at her, suddenly feeling just as trapped with Kitty as she did with her aunt and Andrew, despite Kitty’s lighter touch.

The wave of sadness that had been building inside her swept over her now, drowning the remains of her hopes.

How terrible it would be for both her and Edmund to desire one another once she was married to Andrew. It would be both a betrayal and a sin. If she were to do something as dreadful as fleeing from her family, she would equally be lost to Edmund. A disgraced creature, forever.

Perhaps even if she simply refused to wed Andrew and was kept by her family in bitter country seclusion, there would be no way for them to ever be together…

Diana’s eyes filled with tears as she accepted this part of her fate. Had she always known this on some level? Whatever path she chose, she would have to end things with Edmund sooner or later. Now, that moment had come.

“Yes, I will help you. He is a good man, and you seem like someone who would care for him.”

“Thank you, dear sister,” Kitty said, embracing her. “It would mean so much to me.”

“Would you tell Edmund that I need to speak to him, Kitty? Don’t let anyone else overhear, including Percy or your mother, please. I’d like to be discreet in whatever I say.”

“Of course,” Kitty agreed, her eyes shining as she hurried away on this welcome errand.

* * *