“Being touched by a man in other contexts should feel like this, but even more so,” Edmund told her. “Don’t you believe me?” His face was earnest but also held a hint of a mischievous smile. Diana was conscious that his words were now taking them beyond the limits of what was appropriate as a family friend.

“But it isn’t just this, is it?” she asked quietly, bringing their waltz to a standstill but remaining in his arms, not wanting their dance to end. “Even if I could bring myself to dance with Cousin Andrew, there’s more to touching in a marriage.”

“There is more,” Edmund agreed, his hands exerting gentle pressure on her hand and her waist. “There’s so much I could tell you about what feels good between a man and a woman, although I do think showing can be better than telling. Do you want me to show you how it begins?”

Diana looked at him uncertainly, her heart racing. What did he mean? Could he be joking? What was he going to do? At the same time, one of her hands had instinctively moved and now rested against his chest, feeling the powerful beat of his heart under his shirt.

Cupping her face gently in one hand, Edmund leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to her lips, before pulling back to look into her eyes and see her reaction.

“Oh!” Diana gasped, feeling a bolt of sensation shoot through her body at the simple caress. Between the fluttering in her heart and stomach and the intense throb that settled in the secret place between her thighs, she feared that she would have fallen had Edmund’s arms not been holding her up. “Oh, Edmund! Do that again…”

“With pleasure, Lady Diana.” He smiled and lowered his head to hers once more.

Edmund’s lips were so warm, gentle, and knowing as they settled on Diana’s and began a slow, tingling exploration. One of her hands instinctively found its way into his hair, unconsciously caressing him and keeping him close.

She had never imagined that a simple kiss could feel this way. She had never known that a man’s lips and tongue could give such pleasure, especially when enhanced by Edmund’s strong embrace and his fingertips stroking her face, shoulders, and arms. It filled her with such unbearable longing for something more.

Diana had no idea how long they stood entwined in the library like that. but when Edmund finally released her, she felt breathless, flushed, and feverish with desire. Edmund stepped back, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again and looked at her, she could see the same wildness she felt reflected on his face and disheveled dark hair.

“We need to stop now or we’ll both get carried away, Diana,” he said, walking away to sit down at the writing desk. “That was not my intention and would not do it again. I wanted only to show you how good it could feel.”

“Edmund…” She breathed again, unable to form any answer to his statements but so aroused that she knew she would have let him do anything he wanted at that moment, regardless of the consequences. She sank down into one of the comfortable library chairs.

“Did you like the way I kissed you?” he asked with a grin when they had both caught their breath.

“You felt so good,” Diana told him. “Does kissing always feel like that between a man and a woman?” She touched her lips wonderingly as she asked the question, feeling them still tingle with the memory of Edmund’s touch.

Edmund reflected before he answered.

“When they desire one another, it does,” he told her. “It feels so good that it can be dangerous if they don’t have sufficient self-control.”

“So good…” Diana breathed again but then sighed as reality kicked in. “But I must go and check on Father now.”

Edmund nodded his understanding.

“So, are you still afraid of being touched?” he asked before she reached the door.

“Not by you,” she answered, surprising herself with both her boldness and the truth of the statement. She could not imagine being afraid of Edmund’s touch, even if it could be as dangerous as he had warned her.

“Then let me know if you want to learn more.” He smiled. “I’m at your service, Lady Diana.”

Blushing, Diana went out into the hall before she could be distracted further by the look in his compelling green eyes.


With the support of their three visitors, the household settled into a regular rhythm over the next few weeks. Every morning, Edmund and Jacob would help Percy deal with estate and financial matters while encouraging him to stand on his feet. They also had their correspondence and occasional visitors to manage while away from their own homes.

“I can’t feel quite right about enjoying myself like this.” Diana sighed on their third afternoon as she knocked the ball through the croquet hoop on the lawn. “But then,” she said, looking up at the sun shining brightly in the lightly clouded sky, “even the sun shining seems wrong and I can’t stop that.”

She went to stand beside Jacob as Percy took his turn, glancing a little shyly at Edmund. He tried to smile back at Diana reassuringly.

“You’ve done more than your duty, Diana,” Edmund said. “Both in the household and in sitting with your father. Lady Birks is with your father now and may be able to persuade your mother to take some rest.”

“But perhaps I should be in there too,” Diana uttered doubtfully. “Aunt Henrietta is so very capable, but I am his daughter.”

“Let me read you what my mother says on that account,” Edmund said, producing the letter he had received that morning from an inside pocket.

“You must tell Lady Diana to make sure that she gets enough good food, fresh air, and rest. From your description, she seems to be a capable and conscientious young woman and a loving daughter. Remind her that if she does not take care of herself well, she will be less able to help her family, and that will serve no one.”