The most magical day of her life would come to an end.

But at least she’d experienced it. She’d had this day of utter, heady bliss, and that could never be taken from her. She would treasure it always.

She wished she could tell her mother how wrong she’d been, but that would be cruel. Unless something happened to Dominic, like an uprising or a personality transplant, her mother would never be allowed to leave her father. She would never know the delights that could be found in a man’s touch. The joy. The hedonism. The effects more potent than the finest champagne and, she suspected, more addictive than any narcotic.

She had no idea how she could continue to protect her heart after the day they’d just shared. She didn’t see how it was possible.

As all these thoughts played in her head, she became aware of a heaviness forming in her abdomen. Holding her breath, she concentrated hard on it but then let out a muted gasp as a cramp fisted in her.

Oh, no. No. Please, no.

The heaviness spread. Another cramp came. Not as sharp or as powerful as the ones she’d always had before the medication she’d been given to tame it, but unmistakable all the same.

She breathed in deeply and carefully disentangled herself from Amadeo’s sleeping form.

In the bathroom, she took some painkillers then stepped into the shower.

As the hot water sprayed over her head and body, she let the tears fall. Only when the tears had turned themselves off did she turn the shower off.

Wrapping a towel around herself, she wiped the steamed-up mirror. Her unhappiness reflected back at her.

The best day of her life given the worst possible finale.

Amadeo was awake and sitting up propped against the headboard when she walked back into the bedroom wearing clean pyjamas. The hungry, welcoming smile faded as he looked at her.

‘I wondered what was taking you so long,’ he said before giving a rueful smile. ‘It is that time?’

She nodded, afraid she might start crying again. She didn’t even know why she’d cried to begin with. When the doctor had seen her about her menstrual pains, she’d asked how long it would take to conceive. He’d told her it could take many months and that for some couples it took years.

He pulled the sheets back and patted the space beside him, and suddenly, with that gesture alone, her tears made perfect sense.

She’d been convinced the fact of her period would mean Amadeo had no reason to stay. She’d been afraid he would take it as his cue to leave.

She didn’t want him to go.

Climbing onto the bed, she sank into the comfort of his arms and the strength of his masculine body and wished with all her heart that this didn’t feel so right.

Leaving a bed had never been so difficult.

Amadeo hadn’t planned to spend the whole night with her again. But then, he hadn’t planned to spend a whole day making love to her.Dio, he couldn’t get enough of her. Elsbeth was the most intoxicating aphrodisiac in the world.

He’d never had a day like it. An entire day devoted to nothing but pleasure. He could do it all again, starting right now. Press a kiss into that sensitive spot on her neck that he’d discovered and...

He took a deep breath and willed the surge of lust-driven adrenalin to abate. It wasn’t just that it was the time of month when he couldn’t make love to her that made him sever his amorous thoughts. The sun was rising. A new day was dawning. Their day and night together was over.

He placed a gentle kiss to her temple.

Her eyes flew open.

A weight lodged in his heart. ‘I need to go now.’

She nodded.

‘I...’ It was on the tip of his tongue to invite her to share lunch with him. And dinner. ‘I’ll see you soon.’

Another nod.

Damn it. One swift, hard kiss to her mouth and then he left.